♡ 5 ♡

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It's been a year and Eddie and I are actually dating and he's surprisingly a lot more comfortable with kissing and stuff, never thought he would be. We're actually having a sleepover tonight, I hear a knock on the door and answer to Eddie. 'Hey babeeee.' He walks in not really saying anything blushing, I see my mum walk downstairs as I just try and pull Eddie downstairs to the basement when mum asks. 'Who's that dear?' I answer. 'Eddie mum.' She asks. 'Eddie Kasprak?' I nod as Eddie just stays silent. 'Isn't he a fag?' I roll my eyes dragging him into the basement and locking the door, I put on some music kissing Eddie. 'So. . .Edward.' He rolls his eyes. 'You're so lucky I love you.' I gasp in exaggeration. 'No? "DON'T CALL ME THAT!".' He laughs. 'Don't call me Edwards or Eds or Eddie Spaghetti.' I groan kissing him again. 'Hmm. . .' I whisper in his ear. 'What about sugar?' He says confused. 'Why?' I answer smirking. 'Cause your lips are just so soft.' 

He blushes pushing me off of him, I slap his ass I lay down on the hammock, he lays down on top of me as I rub his back and kiss his neck lightly. 'Eds. . .' He nods. 'Yeah, Rich?' I grin laughing. 'Wanna make out?' He laughs. 'Fine.' After a bit, we fall off laughing as my tongue resumes its place in my mouth, I hear a knock on the door as I stand up, I answer to mum asking. 'What are you two doing?' I answer. 'Fucking around, why do you care?' I'm a little pissed at her the " isn't he a fag thing" like yes mum but he's my fag. She says sighing. 'What's with the attitude Richie?' I shrug. 'Don't be mean to my friend.' 

I shut the door locking it again laying down in the hammock to relax, I groan. 'Eds.' He nods. 'Yeah?' I fake pout. 'Oh, good sir would you mind to spare me just a minute of cuddles.' He laughs laying down with me, I rub his back kissing around his neck, he groans. 'Dude, you're going to give me a hickey.' I laugh a bit. 'And?' He gags. 'I really don't want to look like a gross leper.' I laugh a bit rubbing his back. 'You won't, even if you were one you'd be cute, cute, cute!' He blushes a bit just laying down, he smiles. 'Hm, never thought I'd be happy to have trash mouth as my boyfriend.' I gasp pretending to be hurt. 'Edward!' He laughs a bit as we eventually pass out, I wake up to Eddie shuffling around, I groan. 'Eds just stay still I'm comfortable.' 

He whispers. 'I'm hungry.' I say. 'Well, my dick.-' He stands up as I groan. 'Do I have toooo?' He nods. 'Yes, Richard.' I look at him. 'Really? Richard?' He nods. 'Come onnn!' I stand up taking him to the kitchen, I rub my eyes under my glasses yawning. 'Edddieee! I was so comfy.' He laughs a bit as I stretch. 'I was having such a nice sleep too.' I hear the door open to my dad and my newborn sister, she's like a couple of months old? I wave still too tired to say anything but whinny stuff, my dad says. 'Goodday Richard.' I say in a fake British accent. 'Good day old chap, It's actually Dick, not Richard.' He covers my little sister's ear as I go. 'Oop.' I go grabbing stuff out of the cupboards. 'Ok, what do you want spaghetti head?' He answers. 'I'm not sure, just make something you want.' 

I shrug just grabbing nuggets out, I stand there waiting for ages for them to hurry up and cook, my dad asks. 'When are you going to get a girlfriend or something?' I ask. 'Something?' He nods. 'Gay people are a thing, Richie.' I choke on my own spit. 'I ain't gay!' Eddie laughs. 'That's a lie' I shake my head. 'I'm so straight wow.' My dad says ignoring me. 'How is it a lie?' He laughs. 'He has a boyfriend.' I go to say something as Eddie goes. 'Beep beep Richie.' Dad says to me. 'I want to meet your boyfriend.' I groan grabbing the nuggets out of the oven and walking downstairs with Eddie, I lick a nugget as Eddie says confused. 'What are you doing?' I answer pinning him down. 'Want a nugget?' He nods. 'Yeah? I'm hungry gaywad?' I shove the already licked nugget in his mouth as he starts laughing eating it. 'Rich, we've made out before.' I groan. 'Well, give me your phone.' He asks. 'Why?' He hands it over as I quickly call his mum. 'Suck my dick.' She answers. 'Hey Eddie-Bear!' I say. 'It's not your Eddie-bear, he's really gay and has a boyfriend, anyway, bye future mum-in-law!' I hand him back his phone grinning. 'Love you Eddie-Bear.' 

A/N: this is the ending! 

Reddie ♡ Richie X Eddie the sleep over♡Where stories live. Discover now