What's wrong?

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The members have been noticing that V and Jungkook have just been acting off lately.

They were devastated when they learned that Jimin left but learned to accept it. It was his choice whether he wanted to leave or stay anyways.

Sometimes they would pass by the bathroom and heard Jungkook's sniffles, indicating that he was crying.

He always had red, puffy eyes. He wasn't the same anymore.

They noticed that he wouldn't be around V that much and would sit as far away as he could from him. He would always glare at him and then look away.

Taehyung has been more quiet. He wasn't the cheery and fun guy they met.

"Alright something is going on with them. And we have to find out because we're in this together." Namjoon said.

He had called a meeting, excluding Jungkook and Taehyung.

"How are we gonna find out?" Suga asked, crossing his arms.

"And this isn't our battle to fight. They have to learn how to handle it by themselves." J-hope told Rm.

"Hoseok. They have been like this for 2 fucking weeks. What the fuck makes you think they're going to make up? They won't unless we do something.

I'm not gonna just stand here while my whole group is falling apart." Namjoon said sharply.

J-hope pressed his lips together and looked down.

Namjoon sighed. "Look, I'm sorry I went off on you like that. It's just that this is stressing me out. I don't want to lose this team."

"Its okay. So what are we going to do?" Hoseok said quietly.

"Hmm Suga, call them over." Namjoon said.

"Tf? Why do I have to do it? You have a mouth for a reason." Suga crossed his arms.

Namjoon glared at him. Suga raised an eyebrow.

"I'll go do it." Jin said quietly.

"No. I said Suga would do it." He said sternly.

"Just let him do it. You're just wasting fucking time on this shit. Act like a fucking leader." Suga said harshly.

Namjoon glared at him. He looked away and sighed. "Please go do it, Jin."

Jin nodded, wanting to get out of the room filled with tension.

He got up and went to Jungkook's room. He knocked on the door, hearing footsteps on the other side.

"Yes?" Jungkook opened the door.

"Can you come to the living room in 3 minutes? We got banana milk." Jin told him.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow "Banana milk? I'll be there." He said and closed the door.

Jin smirked and went up to V's door. He knocked a couple of times until the door opened.

"Jin-hyung?" Taehyung said after he opened the door.

"Taehyung. Come to the living room. We have apple juice." He said.

"Apple juice? Okay when?" He asked.

"Right now." He said and grabbed his hand, leading him to the living room.

"What's going on?" Taehyung asked as he sat down on the couch.

"Where is-" Namjoon got cut off by Jin.

"The apple juice is coming right up." He said and glared at Namjoon.

He got up and waited next to the living room entrance. He saw Jungkook coming out of his room.

Jungkook made it to the living room and was confused.

"What's going on?" He asked.

He looked around the living room and his eyes landed on Taehyung. Jungkook felt angered at the sight of him.

"Whatever I'm leaving." Jungkook scoffed and turned around.

"No the fuck you're not." Jin blocked his path.

"Tell us what the fuck is wrong. This whole team is falling apart. Seriously just stop being immature and talk." Jin furrowed his eyebrows. He was frustrated.

"Fine. He ruined my life. I lost the love of my life because he couldn't understand that I didn't love him. I lost him. Just because of that stupid kiss you gave me!" Jungkook shouted at V, tears falling from his cheeks.

Taehyung bit his lip, holding back a sob. His eyes were already watering.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I'm so sorry. I'm fucking stupid. Who the fuck would even love me? N-Not even my parents did." Taehyung said, tears streaming from his eyes.

He turned around and ran to his room.

Deep down, Jungkook felt guilty. But he refused to forgive him. He was the cause of all of this. Jungkook believed it was all his fault.

The room was silent from the sudden outburst. There was tension in the room and everyone could feel it. It wasn't until Jin spoke.

"Who was the love of your life?" He said in a soft voice.

"Jimin. Jimin was the love of my life. But now he's gone and hates me. I've lost him. I've lost the only thing I cared about." Jungkook was trembling.

He wiped his tears and walked away, leaving his members behind.

Why did you do it?(Sequel to I Forgive You)Where stories live. Discover now