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I am Ashley Salvador. 17 years old. Getting the STEM strand at St. Venille High, new student. And my story started at my first day in this University.

As I've entered the building, I didn't know where to go, or where should I pass to go to my section, or what stairs should I step to.

Really? I wasn't informed that the University is this big!

I looked up to see until what floor the building has. And it's more than ten, I guess? Plus, the building isn't only itself, but it has three!

Can someone save me from this? I think I'm already late.

I walked through the hallway and red those paper beside the mahogany brown and metal doors. Maybe it can help me, right?


Section C

G - 7

G - 8

G - 9

G - 10

G - 11

G - 12

Those 'G's was written in each doors. The 'H1 - Section C' was written up in a hardbound.

I looked at my card; H6 - Section A | G - 11.

And so, it is located at the sixth floor.

I used the stairs in the right. There are so many students going down, some are talking about something, and some are sitting on the side.

I just looked at them as I've stepped up the stairs. They didn't even mind me while I'm going up so I continued.

I reached the H6 - Section A, and looked for G - 11.

At last!!! I'm here!

As I opened the door, the noisy students there, shut their mouths and looked directly to me. And, wait, I forgot to look at our Professor.

"Morning," I greeted, anyway.

"Can you tell me why are you late?" the coldness of our professor's voice make my heart pound in nervousness.

"Uhm... Apologies. I didn't know where the room is, so it took me so long to came here," I explained.

"Okay," he said seriously. "Sit beside her," he pointed the seat beside the girl at the back row.

I nodded as I walked towards the seat I was said to sit. The quietness made me feel uncomfortable. I feel like they're watching me intently like if I slipped, they'll laugh that loud.

Really, self? You really think that one?

I slowly put my bag down, beside my armchair to avoid making noise. I can still feel their intent look while I am looking down.

The professor started to discuss. I listened and also took down notes so I could remember those informations. My classmates started talking to each other. Some aren't listening to the discussion.


"Break time!!!" someone said.

"Okay, class dismissed," the professor said before going out the classroom.

"Cafeteria, guys?"

They had a group of friends here. That's why they are also a group while going down, eating, or doing random things.

"Want! Wait for me," the other one answered.

I watched them go out the classroom.

"New?" I heard someone asked beside me. "Oh, yeah, obviously. Welcome!" she continues.

My eyes drifted to her. "U-Uh? T-Thanks..." I said shyly. "Uhmm, I'll just go down and eat," I said as I pointed the door.

She just nodded and watched me stand up. I can feel it, until I got out of the classroom.

Wait... Where's the Cafeteria again? Ugh!

"I can see that you're not familiar with the rooms outside."

I almost jump in nervous when I heard my seatmate again!

"Unfortunately, yes. This university is so big. Sooo, I offer my help."

Should I accept her offer? Or maybe I will just waste her time?

"Come, I will not accept 'no' as an answer," she smiled as she grabbed my wrist and bring me where she'll go. "Let's eat first."

I saw the huge place where you'll know it's a cafeteria.

We ordered and ate together. We had the time to roam around the campus and she explained to me the function of the rooms.

Almost everyday, we always ate together, and made that as a routine everyday.

I ate silently. I just look at her as she talks.

"We could just go afte-" she stopped. "Uhm.. Wait," she said then slowly moves her hand to the side of my lips like she's removing something. "The sauce.."


We continued to be like this until I didn't noticed I'm falling for her. Is this real? I'm starting to like a same gender?

But I am not sure of this feeling. I think she shouldn’t know this. It’s really impossible.

“Goin’ home?” she asked when she saw me stood up putting my bag on.

“Yeah... You?” I awkwardly asked.

“Let’s go together,” she said without confirming my answer.

“Address?” she asked, and I gave her the address.

After a minute, I realized the way we’re going isn’t familiar anymore.

“Where are we going?” she didn’t answer me. “Please take back!”

“Just let me. Just for now.”

And there, I let her.

We stopped in a park. This is a peaceful place that we can talk but...

“I have something to tell you,” she started. My thoughts was washed away by the water.

“What’s it?” I asked as I looked at her.

“I know this isn’t good to hear and like, impossible, yeah. I... Uhm, I like you!” she said shyly. “I knew the feeling isn’t mutual. I don’t even want to ask you to equal the feelings I had. I knew I just made your mind a disaster today but I just want to clear myself. It’s up to you if you’ll change your treatment towards me.”

If you've been waiting for falling in love 🎶

My heart stopped beating for a while. This isn’t normal of me!

“You done?” I asked.

Babe, you don't have to wait on me 🎶

“Yahh, why?”

“I wanted to tell you something too.”

“What’s it?”

“I... I also... Like you!”

And that time, I’m sure with my feelings. I like her.

'Cause I've been aiming for heaven above 🎶

“You know, I told you—”

“Yes, I know. But now, I’m already sure. I’ve think of this many times and it proves me that I really like you.”

You don't need to have a perfect partner to have a perfect relationship. Understanding is the way to have a good relationship.

You're the sanctuary, 'cause what you want is what I want, sincerity 🎶

Sanctuary by Joji
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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