Part Six

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D.O.'s POV

I was uncomfortable. Really, REALLY uncomfortable. I squirmed in my seat and scratched the back of my neck, tapping my fingers on my desk, my knee bobbing up and down.

Mr. Kim had moved my seat to the front of the classroom since I was the only one who actually paid attention to his lectures.

But it made me want to stop listening to his lectures all-together so that I could move to the back again.

Why, you ask?

Because HE was staring at me. I could feel the back of my neck prickling as he tried to burn holes through my head.

I turned around and discreetly shot him a glare. He just grinned that stupid smug grin at me. Ugh. And those goons he called "friends" snickered as they saw the exchange.

Frustrated, I turned around, determined to ignore him. When suddenly, I heard a pain filled shriek from the back of the classroom.

Everyone turned to look at Kai. He was doubled over, one hand holding the small of his back.

"What is it this time Jongin," Mr. Kim sighed as he looked over to Kai, irritated that his lecture had been interrupted.

Kai groaned loudly, "It's my back injury. It's acting up again."

Jennie immediately rushed over to Kai, running her hands all over his back in concern.

"Mr. Kim, let me take him to the nurse's office. Please," she pleaded, giving Mr. Kim a cute pout as her red nails dug into Kai's shoulder, making little crescents on his skin as his dark blood rushed to the surface.

I felt a rush of anger run through me as I saw her hands on Kai.


Wait...what? Why did I care what she did with Kai? He wasn't even my friend.

"Sir, I don't really feel that comfortable with a girl taking me to the nurse. Could-could a guy take me there...maybe D.O.?"

Mr. Kim contemplated for a second before agreeing with Kai.

"That's probably better. Anyways, he'd actually study the topic later. None of you idiots would learn a thing."

Mr. Kim waved the both of us out of the classroom as Jennie walked back to her seat, teetering in her five-inch heels as she shot daggers at me.

Kai's POV

I groaned loudly in pain, stumbling many times as we walked out of the classroom until D.O. finally bent down offering to give me a piggyback ride to the nurse's, looking worried.

FINALLY. Was he really that dense? How many signals would I have to give him before he noticed anything?

I climbed onto his back and circled my arms around his neck burying my face into his shoulder and lightly nipping him. He squealed, grabbed my legs tighter, and started walking faster.

"What are you doing?" he whispered angrily.

"I didn't do anything. I just....It was hurting so much. I needed to bite something."

He groaned and dropped the topic as I grinned to myself behind his back.

Just before he was going to drop me on the bed in the nurse's office, I pretended to gasp in pain.

"Slowly. Slowly. It hurts."

"Jeez. It's not the first time I've brought you here."

"Just-just go slowly."

He gently lowered me onto the bed and went to get up but I didn't unhook my arms from around his neck. He turned around trying to push me away then noticed how close our faces were. I could feel his breath on my lips. And I was pretty sure he could hear my heart pumping loudly.

The nurse chose THAT moment to walk in. Perfect. Just perfect. His ears turned bright red and he jerked away.

"I-I was just helping him. He's hurt! Back pain!" he stammered.

So cute.

I grinned at the nurse - Ms. Seulgi. I was a regular customer of hers due to my many soccer injuries. 

She smiled back as she handed me an ice pack.

"The usual drill," she said, walking over to her desk to note down the time of my visit. D.O. stood next to me shuffling his feet. I could tell he was trying to find an excuse to leave, but I didn't want him to. Not yet.

"Ms. Seulgi, I'm in a lot of pain. Do you think you could write a pass for D.O. too? I need him to help me while I'm stuck here."

"Cool beans," she grinned around the lollipop in her mouth, eyeing me and D.O. I could tell that she figured out what I was trying to do. Smart girl.

D.O. was just about to make some excuse about how he had to go back to class when Ms. Seulgi glanced at her watch and exclaimed, "Oh! Look at the time! I've got to pick up my daughter from her day-care. Sorry about this D.O., but you'll have to look after Kai yourself. You're a smart kid. You'll figure it out."

She ran out of the room while D.O. stared at the spot she'd just left, his mouth hanging open.

"Looks like it's just us two for the rest of the day."

I grinned.

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