cp:7 I loved it 💜💛💜

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Five days later

Author's POV

Jungkook was feeling a little better about everything....he is happy that Taehyung started to talk to him more....but at the same time Taehyung was quite confused.....Jungkook was making him feel weird things and he always blushed at alpha's compliments....but he's not gonna lie...he LOVES IT.....

At school

Tae- Your mark is so pretty Rosie

He said amazed while Lisa smirked.....

Lisa- Of course it is

Rose smiled shyly

Wendy- Hey what about mine ?

She fake pouted

Rose- You are such a child

Suddenly tiny omega spoke

Jimin- I want one

He pouted

Lisa- What do you want baby ?

Jimin- Wendy noona has one....Rosie too and you too....even Jin and Joonie hyungs have one...I want that too

He pointed at Lisa's mark on her neck

Tae- Jiminie you will get yours too...don't worry


He clapped his hands and everyone cooed at the sight

Tae- God you are so cute...I'm gonna die.....

He pinched Jimin's little nose

Tae- I just can't believe that Yoongi is your mate.....you are so innocent while he is....not?

Jimin- What does innocent means?

Wendy- Awwww forget it baby

They were chatting peacefully until some alpha from Black Moon pack went closer to them

???- Oh well hello there pretty little thing

He smirked while looking at Taehyung

Lisa- What do you want Mark?

Lisa asked quite annoyed

Mark- Oh come on Lis let me talk to this pretty little creature

Lisa- Stay away from him

She warned but he just ignored her

Mark- Oh baby I can do what I want

Rose- Who are you calling baby...she is MINE....Now back off !!

Rose growled at him while pulling Lisa closer to her

THE POWERFUL MATES ( Taekook/Vkook ff )✅Where stories live. Discover now