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This is a quick glossary for terms that are used within the omegaverse. If you are familiar with these terms you can skip to the actual story, just please take note that there are one or two terms that I have specifically created for this fanfic. But if you are new to the whole omegaverse concept then please do have a read through these terms:

Alpha: Alphas are the dominant secondary gender, usually characterized as commanding, outgoing, extrovert, aggressive, and strong. These individuals are confident, usually found in top ranking professions or are generally always at the top of their respective corporate ladders and make up roughly 25% of the world's population. Female and male alphas are able to mate and impregnate female betas as well as both female and male omegas .

Beta: Betas are your standard secondary genders, and are your usual everyday people making up 60% of the world's population. Considered average people with no special features like alphas and omegas. Female betas can be impregnated by female alphas and male alphas and betas. Male betas are able to impregnate female betas, female omegas, and male omegas.

Omega: Omegas are considered the submissive secondary gender, characterized by shyness, submissive, introverted, and being soft-spoken. These individuals have very strong maternal instincts and therefore are excellent in care-giving or nurturing professions such as teachers and doctors. Omegas make up about 15% of the population (this number used to be higher but 2 decades ago, a deadly SGV appeared , Omega Thanatos, and killed almost half the world's population of omegas). Omegas are the rarer of the secondary genders.

Heat: A cycle an omega goes through normally once every 2 - 3 months. It can last from a few days to a week, depending on the omega. During this time, their libido increases tenfold and their instinct to mate takes over. This period of time is normally quite painful for omegas both physically and sometimes emotionally. Omegas can also experience what is know as a forced heat, which is caused when the omega is in the presence of a powerful alpha with a powerful scent, forcing the omega's heat cycle to begin in order to mate with the alpha.

Rut: A rut is a period an alpha goes through when exposed to a strong omegan scents, and normally lasts only a few days. Same as an omega's heat, during a rut, an alpha's libido is heightened and the urge to mate and impregnate takes over. A rutting alpha can be dangerous, because during a rut they become fiercely territorial and possessive and will attack anything or anyone they feel is encroaching on their territory.

Slick: A fluid male omegas produce from their anus when in heat or heavily aroused. This makes it easier for alphas or beta males to penetrate them during intercourse.

Knot/Knotting: A knot is an organ located at the base of an alpha's penis that inflates and enlarges during intercourse. Knotting is the act of penetrating an omega or female beta with that inflated knot, locking the two together and preventing the sperm from seeping out. This is to increase the chances of impregnation.

Scent/Scenting: Scents are special pheromones that are unique to each individual. Scenting is the act of mixing two partners'scents together in order to strengthen the bond between them. It also has the added bonus of calming and comforting each other. An individual's scent will change slightly once the individual has mated.

Pheromones: These are special chemicals produced by alphas, betas, and omegas that carry information about the individuals they come from. They can be used to communicate emotions and their body's physical condition, eg. such as being pregnant or ill. Pheromones can also be used  for other communications such as in an alpha's case, they can use pheromones to convey orders.   

Scent Glands: These are special glands each individual has located on either side of their neck that secrete pheromones and the individual's unique scent. Omegas have extra scent glands located on their wrists, that are used to either calm them down or to help calm down their pups.

Alpha Voice: This is a unique ability that alphas have that enables them to temporarily take control of omegas and , in some cases, some betas and makes them carry out an alpha's command.

Mated/Mates: Mated is when two individuals have marked each other by biting one another's scent glands, mixing the individuals' two scents together, bonding them to each other.  A mate is an individual that is marked and bonded to another.

Soul Mates: This is a very rare occurrence in which two individuals are perfectly suited for one another, biologically, mentally, and physically. It is characterized by the individuals being constantly drawn to each other, only being really affected by each other's scents and there are cases of them suffering depressive episodes when they are kept separated from each other for extended periods of times. These for the strongest bonds in the world.

Bonded/Bonding: This is a state of mind in which mates are hyper aware of each others'emotions, cycles and the condition of each other's bodies.

SGV: Stands for Secondary Gender Virus. This is a group of viruses that only affect specific secondary genders. Some SGVs aren't serious, being equivalent to hay-fever whilst some can be as dangerous as Ebola, although SGVs of this degree are very rare. (2 decades ago, a very deadly SGV , Omega Thanatos, affecting omegas appeared and is the cause of the low omega population of the world. Referred to since as the Omega Thanatos incident, O.T.I.).

OPP: Stands for Omegan Protection Programme. A government funded medical programme designed to protect and monitor omegas. This programme was implemented after the events of the Omega Thanatos Incident (O.T.I.) as a precaution to prevent another outbreak of the deadly disease.

Suppressants: These are medications that omegas can take to suppress their scents or, in stronger cases, can suppress their heats. This causes their heat to be delayed, which can be detrimental to an omega's health, because it causes their heat cycle to become erratic and when the omega has their heat again, it is exceptionally more painful than normal. Suppressants can come in the form of pills, capsules, syrups, patches or collars.

SGT/SGE: Standing for Secondary Gender Training or Secondary Gender Education. These are courses taught in schools at the end of middle school, teaching about the different genders, and how to handle each of them as well as how to control their scents and pheromones.

Pheromone training: This is a special course designed to help an individual to be able to handle and resist different pheromones. Most of the time, this is used to teach omegas how to resist submitting when under an alphas'scent.

Presenting: Similar to puberty, this is a period of a few weeks in which an individual's secondary gender manifests physically. Generally uncomfortable for betas, it is painful for alphas and omegas as they go through the biggest changes.

Fangs: All secondary genders have fangs, alphas with the largest and omegas with the smallest, these show when an individual is feeling threatened or angry or protective and is shown as a warning.

Purring: An involuntary sound omegas do when they feel safe, happy, and comfortable.

Murring: Similar to an omega's purr, this is an involuntary sound alphas make when they feel safe, happy, and comfortable.

Sorry for that long glossary. Thank you for reading through it, and now...

Onto the story


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