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Bailey sat in front of the toad of that once was a beautiful angel. He found it hard to be believe that such an ugly creature could've been something beautiful. Bailey thought his dad was just lying about this toad being his mom so he wouldn't be upset about not having one. The road stared at Bailey, seemingly having some emotion behind its dull, dark eyes. But it was just a toad, and it had to have been light reflecting off of those eyes.

There was a soft knock on the door before it opened. Bailey turned around, only to reveal that it was his father, Samael, that walked in. "Do you know what today is?" He asked excitedly, a smile tugging on his lips.

"Tuesday?" Bailey replied, his response sounding more like a question.

Samael sighed. "No. Well, I mean, yes it's Tuesday, but that's not what I meant." A sighed escaped the demon's mouth. "It's the first day of those challenges we talked about! Satan and I have found five people we've deemed worthy of your hand in marriage."

"Are they here yet?" Bailey asked, tilting his head.

Samael nodded his head. "Almost. Now come on, we need to get you ready before they arrive." Samael smiled proudly. "Oh, my little Bailey. He's growing up so fast... Almost too fast."

Bailey stood up and followed his dad, who lead him to a dressing room. "I know you're a boy and all, but I've seen how you dress up. Would you like a dress?" Samael asked. Bailey felt his cheeks heat up as he nodded his head. "Great! I have the perfect dress for you." Samael grabbed a silky, white dress from the rack. He handed Bailey the dress. "Go try it on!"

Bailey nodded his head and started taking off his clothes. His dad quickly stepped out of the room before he could see anything he didn't want to. Once Bailey was on in his underwear, he slipped on the dress. Bailey exaimed the dress. It fit his small, feminine body perfectly. He picked put a pair of shoes and slipped them on, enjoying how they matched with the dress. Samael knocked on the door, waiting a couple of seconds before entering.

"You look so cute!" Samael exclaimed. The demon grabbed a few jewel studded necklaces and place them around Bailey's neck. "There. Now let's go meet the contestants." Samael said, leaving the room. Bailey followed him, imagining what they could look like. They're probably ugly.

Before they entered the outside world, Samael quickly fixed his son's hair, and a couple of other things. He wanted to make sure he looked his best. This is the first time anyone in the public eye would see Bailey, and he wanted them to have a good impression. I can't have everyone thinking my son is a slug.

"Dad?" Bailey whispered, his voice shaking a little. "Why is there so many people here?"

"Because it's a big event." Samael whispered back. "Now stand tall and try not to show too much emotion." Bailey followed his dad's instructions and straightened his back. He erased any trace of emotion from his face, and scanned at the sea of people.

After a few minutes of standing, four men walked up to Bailey and Samael. They were all around seven feet tall, which was average height in Hell. Bailey was below average. Way below average. He wasn't even five feet tall. He was four foot eleven inches. Not tall at all. It was even weirder when you realise that Samael is almost nine feet tall. Maybe his mom was short.

The four men introduced themselves. Their named were Gabriel, Jesse, Elijah, and Aaron. Bailey was pleasantly surprised by how good looking they all were, but he forced himself not to show it. Samael stared at the lucky four, knowing what he had in store for them.

"I'm glad you all could make it." Samael said, a small smile cracking on his face.

"I wouldn't miss it for a chance to get into Heaven!" Elijah exclaimed, his blue eyes sparkling. The other three nodded their heads and said their agreements.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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