Chapter One

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 Author's note: Hey guys! I am so excited to start my first story on wattpad! I hope you guys will enjoy this first chapter and spread about my work to your friends :)  Oh! And one more thing. I want you guys to read this as the voice of Shailene Woodley as she and "The Fault in Our Stars by John Green"   are my inspiration. Thank You! :)))


     There are many reasons why people cry; tears of joy, tears of sadness, tears of jealousy and dozens more. I often cry tears of regret. You see, I am an unsocial wallflower who only has a few lingering individuals in my wreath of friends. In my life, I have made a judgment that the major situation I regret the most is when I became a wallflower. Seeing all those popular, hourglass-figure girls and their “queen”, Dior, fishing all the attention make me envious. I’m not saying that I am unattractive; I have auburn hair that passes my small shoulders, dark bronze eyes, a small nose and lips, just like an average 15-year-old girl. My life is no extraordinary life... until I met Jacques. He and I first met at Saint Riverbank High in London. 


     I wake up in my queen-sized bed with pistachio sheets, feeling apathetic. I have no will to go. I sleepily stumble to my bathroom and took a long refreshing shower. Then I put on a plain grey t-shirt that matches my mood and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. As I look into the mirror, I see the reflection of my folded eyelids; the result of tears of misery that I shed yesterday. Dang. All of the painful memories from the last night flooded into my head once more; Images of Cayden, our little moments, our breakup last night and his unforgiving eyes boring into me as he spit out the last words at me. It hurts. Why does it have to? I understand from a book I read that pain demands to be felt, but i have an objection. I think that  pain isn't the cause of why we are hurting. I think we ourselves are the reason that we feel pain. We get a choice to move on or ponder about the past again and again, whereas if you choose to think about the past again, we chose to feel pain, knowing that the memories will bring back unwanted agonizing recollections. Today I have made the choice to ignore my feelings so I put on my jet black Doc Martens and flannel, and catch the bus.

     The bus is my little zen zone. Somehow, the little bumps on the road seem to comfort me and deliver to my peace of mind. As usual, I put on my earphones and listen to "My Chemical Romance" and think about my life. It seems as if the window is a door to my isolated, imaginative mind where I just sit there and think. Ten minutes pass and the bus stops in front of my school. Why does something bad have to happen right before the first day back at school? Now I can't bear to see Cayden anymore, and even worse, he is in most of my classes. Getting out of the bus, I can already see my two best friends;  Katelyn and Ben. Katelyn is a brunette girl with a personality that is brighter than her bright blue eyes. She is gorgeous and she unintentionally steals the attention of a lot of boys, making Dior jealous. Ben is like her other half. He has dirty blonde hair and amazingly green eyes. He enjoys surfing , playing the guitar and playing pranks. Not to mention that he is the Evil King of Truth or Dare. 

"Hey Thea my bae," she screeches as she runs towards me and gives me a giant hug.

"Umm, you know bae means poop in Danish?"I exclaimed.

"Yeah I don't care."

"Hai Thee Thee!" Ben and I did our special handshake.

As we did our last fist pump, a thought just popped up in my mind.

"Oh! I have to come to the Admin Office early because I am a buddy! I have to pick up the new student! Bye gotta run!' I said.

     I ran to the Admin Office with my Doc Martens squeaking on the floor as I create friction. When, I opened the door, a boy with striking blue eyes and black hair caught my attention. I didn't realise I was staring at him until I realised that his eyes were looking in my direction. I broke out of my trance and asked the administrator what the name of the new student was.

"Jacques Harris" she answered.

     I started hollering and asking who Jacques Harris was and I saw a hand raise from the crowd of newcomers. I looked at the same boy with the striking blue eyes. This time, I could see his deep dimples as he smiled at me and introduced himself. 

"Hi, I'm Jacques. What's your name?"

"Umm, Hey. My name's Thea Daveys, I will be your buddy for the time being!", I smiled and gave him my hand. He shook it. This moment, dear readers, is a spark. The spark that starts my utopian love story.

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