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By Tiffany Ticong


I stared straight forward at the bright dusty mist across the bridge as I stand still in front of it. I looked around the place, there’s nothing but wrecked houses, some are burnt, some are burnt down. I inhaled deeply whilst closing my eyes, then I opened them back again after hearing a bark behind me. 

I turned around, and Josh was limping towards me. He’s a Lundehund dog, he’s been in my life for the past five years now. I rescued him from nearly falling off the cliff, the cliff near this bridge I’m standing at right now. 

I frowned. “Josh.” I whispered whilst he came closer. 

I crouched down I front of him. I looked at him properly, his right leg has been turned into stone. I looked into his eyes, he’s upset, then I looked back at his leg. And then I got out a knife out of my old wrecked satchel.  And then I cut my left arm and started to rub my blood on his wounded leg. 

I inhaled deeply then exhaled it out disturbingly. “I can’t keep healing you, Josh, sooner or later I wont be around anymore to help you out.” I said as I continue to caress my blood onto him. 

I moved my arm away from his leg, and everything started to heal up. His leg was becoming back to normal, becoming back to the way it’s meant to be. 

After I got out an old face towel and pressed it on top of my cut and just waited for a few moment until the bleeding stops. I looked at Josh while he was licking his leg, then he looked at me and started to lick my face. 

I laughed. “You’re welcome.” I said. 

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