Chapter One Continued...

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Josh and I left the bridge and started to head back home, its nearly five o’clock, usually Dad get’s home at around six. I don’t want to be late before he gets home, he’ll get even more mad if I’m not there before he does. 

As I walk through town with Josh, I do the usual routine walking back home. I look at the place, and get disgusted and upset to how things look like here. Half of everyone are stones, that’s only because their dead. That’s what happens here in Lionel, people’s lives ends and wherever they end up they turn into stone. 

For example, the lady at my right sitting on an old wooden park bench staring down on the ground frowning. She’s been there for the past three months, she was sixty years old I think. Her body was slowly fading away, and so, slowly did she. 

I continued to walk down the old street, then I turned over to my left to an alley. I continued to walk and walk, until another turn over to my left, I saw a group of men beating an old skinny man with a white singlet on and ripped dark pants, laying on the ground with his bony arms covering his face. I stopped and watched, so did Josh. 

Suddenly one of them looked up and noticed me. It’s Dad. I’m never surprise to see him doing this with his comrades. This thing that they do, it’s casual routine for them. 

Dad and I kept making eye contact at each other as the other men kept brawling the old poor helpless man. Josh suddenly started to growl as he slowly walks towards them. 

I looked at him. “Josh stop, don’t go there.” I demanded. 

He stopped, turned his head around as he lowered his scowl. I shook my head, then he turned around fully and walked back towards me. I looked back at Dad at the same time Josh got close. 

He’s still scowling at me. After hearing a lot of punches on the old man, I couldn’t bare to stay and listen or stare anymore. So I left, without doing anything for them to stop. 

As I got back home I took off my long filthy red hood, placed it on top of the side of my homemade bed that Dad made for me when I was five years old. Sat down next to it, stared at Josh for a moment as he sits on the cold concrete floor with his tongue out staring at me. I grinned slightly. 

When I looked over to my left, the picture hidden underneath my pillow was showing. I grabbed it and looked at the photo. 

It’s a picture of me, my Mum and Dad, all smiling together. Both of my parents have their hands on each of my shoulders. Mum was on my right and Dad was on my left, smiling. 

This picture was taken when I was about thirteen years old, Mum died a year later after this picture was taken. From then on, things got a bit out of hand for Dad. That’s how he become to be what he is right now. A brutal killing monster. 

I’ m now eighteen, so it’s been years since the last time I’ve been happy. Now, I don’t even know who I am anymore. 

I jumped a little bit when I heard footsteps outside the room. I hid the picture back under my pillow and just sat there normally. 

When the door opened it was Dad, he came in and walked straight to his bed which was across the other room from me. Yes, this house isn’t the best house around. Not anyone’s house is the best around, half of everyone’s houses are the same. 

My bed is on the other side of the room while Dad’s bed is on the other. He sat down on the bed while Josh hid under my bed. He stared at me, his hands rested on top of his knees. After a few seconds, he moved his right brow up. 

I gazed my eyes looking around the room. I stood up, grabbed the knife out of my bag and walked towards him. I crouched down in front of him, I’m shaking a little bit. I always end up shaking whenever it’s time for me to heal Dad. But I tried to stay calm as usual. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2012 ⏰

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