I get hit by a flying shoe.

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"Em? Hey, stop scowling. It's not that bad." Sarah, my best friend, bumped her shoulder against mine. I turned to scowl at her even more. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm stuck in an amusement park all day, just because Angelica wanted it." I stated grumpily.

"Look, I know you hate amusement parks but you're the older sister, you have to give in sometimes. " Sarah stated. She had a point there. I really had no choice.

Angelica was my twelve year old sister. Don't let the name fool you; she was quite devilish in her ways. And using aforementioned devilish powers, she got my mother to let her and her friends go to the amusement park.....with a chaperone. Me.

Now I'm sure a lot of you're wondering why I hate amusement parks. Well the answer to that is simple enough.

I'm scared of them.

I'm not scared of the parks themselves; just most of the rides. The high drops, sharp spins and speed was just too much for me. The ones that didn't scare the shit out of me were too kiddish. So what's left at amusement parks? Shooting games? I don't think so. I have a horrible aim.  And when I say horrible, I mean atrocious. I once tried my hand at indoor archery. I ended up shooting the lightbulb. 

Therefore, here I was. Sulking with my best friend. What a perfect way to waste my Saturday.

Sarah poked me again. "Emma. For the tenth time, stop scowling. It's not like we can leave so at least try to enjoy."

I sighed. "Fine, I'll try to cheer up. Perhaps some food?"

She grinned. "There's the Emma Mason I know!"

"Like you said: I have no choice. Might as well enjoy it by fattening myself up. It's not like things can get any-"


I fell onto my butt as something hit my face. I picked up the offending object. A......shoe?

"Sarah! A- a shoe! A shoe just flew out of the sky and hit me!" I exclaimed to my best friend who was trying to hold back laughter. I turned my head to the general direction from where the blue and white sneaker came from.

The rollercoaster.

I had the sudden urge to hiss at it.

I mentally cursed the infernal ride, the stupid shoe and it's idiotic owner who decided it would be a clever idea to not tie their shoelaces. 

"We should, " Sarah said between muffled laughs, "go to the ride. Find out who it- giggle- belongs to. " I nodded. I really needed to have a long talk with the owner of the shoe. I saw the ride come to a stop and began making my way towards it, taking long, angry strides.

It wasn't very hard to find the owner of the shoe. He was a tall, dark haired guy who was hopping on one foot and shouting out "Has anyone see my shoe?"

I tapped him on the shoulder, ready to give him a piece of my mind. He turned around.


"Have you seen my-" He stopped mid-sentence as his eyes narrowed, focusing on his sneaker.

"MY SHOE!" He shouted overjoyed, hugging me. Hugging me. Like I just told him the best news of his life. 

"You have no idea how glad I am! My grandmum bought me these sneakers, she'd kill me if I lost them." He said into my neck. I stood there, shell shocked.

All my anger died iny throat and I sighed.  It was hard to be angry at someone who gave such heavenly hugs.

"Seriously though, thank you. Where did you find it?" He said as he released me.

I smirked. "It hit me. On the forehead."

"I'm so sorry!" He reached forward and pushed my bangs away from my forehead with one hand, cupping my face with the other. He leaned forward to inspect it.

"Do you have no sense of personal space?" I asked him, amused. Not that I minded. He had such warm hands, I just wanted to melt into them.

"Nope. Hmm....That's going to bruise later, you might want to ice it when you get back home."

I looked at his face, realising how cute he was. His black hair flopped around adorably and he had the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. I sighed softly and his eyes flicked from my forehead to my eyes. My breath caught in my throat.

His second hand slipped away from my forehead and reached to cup my face too and I blushed. We stood there, his hands cupping my face and my hands at my sided, one of them holding my shoe. I heard someone cough behind us and both of us jumped. I turned around to see Sarah, tapping her foot impatiently. I had completely forgotten about her.

"Oh...um, I guess I have to go. Grandmother, y'know, she, um-" He stuttered.

"Right, right." He turned and I realised his sneaker was still in my hand. "Hey!" He turned back. "Your shoe." I lifted it up to remind him. Maybe it was my imagination but he looked slightly dissapointed when I said that. Like he was hoping for something else.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry." He took his shoe from my hand and turned to leave. I watched him walk away and turned back towards Sarah. I began walking towards her when I heard him call me again.

"Hey!" I turned to see him running towards me, both shoes on. He reached me and caught my wrist pulling it out. He pulled out a black sharpie out from his front pocket and bent over my hand, writing something.

"My phone number, " he said, panting slightly. "So we can talk about the shoe."

"So we can talk about the shoe? " I repeated, laughing.

"Yeah," he said, grinning as he straightened himself up. There was a light dusting of pink on his cheeks.

He began walking away. "I don't even know your name! " I called after him.

"Call me!" He shouted over his shoulder. I grinned like an idiot.

So? What do you think? Comment and vote, I love you for reading it!
~ Charlotte

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