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She nuzzled the pillows under her cheek, dreaming of him holding her. The soft touch of an index finger ran along her cheek and she woke.


Her eyes snapped open and stared at his near face, her cheeks burning a new shade of red.

He smiled at her, “How was your nap?”

Much with the relaxing. You accomplished your goal, James Dray. Like usual. She sat up and moved her sore ankle back and forth, “It was okay.”
The bed sunk at her feet as he sat, “There's still some swelling.” He gripped her foot and started to massage her ankle.

She pulled back, her heart pounding, “What are you doing!”

“I'm trying to move the fluid.” He took her foot back and continued, she didn't protest this time, “Your brother seems alright.”

She looked to him, “He's okay.”

“He's decent at football.”

Kara nodded, “He's in an after school program. There's a game tonight.”

“Yes, he's told me.”

She decided to question him into real conversation, “Do you still play?”

He paused, “Yes.”

Of course. She looked away, out of things to say already.

“There's no food in this house. Which is disconcerting, Kara. You need to have food.”
Kara looked to him, “I don't have any money. She leaves us nothing. My grandparent's bring us some stuff and some money but that's about it. Plus it's far and few between. They try.”

He looked pissed but kept himself level, “Are you going to move out after school?”
“Where?” She breathed, “I have no job and I can't leave Josh.”

James looked to her and swallowed, “Kara, this is bad.”
“My ankle?” She tore it from his massaging hands, still swollen, she didn't think it was horrible.

“Not your ankle. This.” He motioned to her living situation.

“I know, I'm messy.” She admitted.

“Kara,” He rolled his eyes, “you need to get things together.”

She stared at him, her anger flaring, “Well, I'm trying.”

He stood, running a hand through his dark sorted hair, “Are you?”

Obviously. Kinda. Not. She concluded in her head.

“You can't live like this.” He exasperated.

“What do you expect me to do?”
He opened his mouth, “I...” He sighed, “You need to think about moving.”

“Moving where!” She snapped, “That's not a plan, James!”

He paused, she saw him trying to say something but not getting it out.

Kara stared at him, Fucking say it!

He sighed, “Sorry, this isn't my business, it's your life. I just get concerned because of your little brother.”

“I'm fucking trying.” She snapped.

He nodded, “I can see that, it's alright. I'll take Josh to the football game tonight, you can stay here and rest.”

Kara shook her head, “I don't need anymore rest.”

He took her foot from the bed and began to message it again, “I will and I can go get supper. What would you like?”

BELOVED (Heart Of Hunters, #1)Where stories live. Discover now