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Izuku p.o.v
At exactly 6:00am I heard my alarm go off. Not like I was still asleep anyway. I usually woke up five minuets or so before my alarm went off. I turned it off as quickly as possible so not to wake my mom and got out of bed to get dressed. After getting ready I looked in the fridge for some food or at least a small piece of bread, but there was nothing in it. The fridge was as always completely empty. I sighed got my stuff and exited the house.

I plugged my headphones in my phone and put on a happy and cheerfull playlist. Musik always made me forget my surroundings and fall into the mood of the song. I always seemed to fall in a sort of trance only I could wake myself up from. After a few minuets of walking to school I finally made it to the huge front entrance. I entered the school and walked to the classroom of class 1a.

Once I finally got to the big door I opened it just to be greeted by the two friends bakugou and Kirishima. I tried avoiding any sort of eye contact with the both of them, since who knows what would happen alone with the both of them. I sat in my desk and took out my small notebook wich was also a kind of diary I guess. I started writing about the things that where troubling me at the moment. Writing it in my notebook made it somehow always seem less bad. I was still writing when I suddenly heard a loud 'boom' from where kacchan and Kirishima where standing. I immediately though of the worst and turned around as quickly as possible.

Once I saw what was happening I jumped into action. Bagugou was holding Kirishima by the trought so high that his feet weren't even touching the ground anymore. Kirishima's cheek looked like it had been burnt and he was struggling to hold back tears. I shot up from my seat and ran towards the two males.

Once I got up to kacchan I slapped him. Hard... He immediately let kirishima go out of shock. Not only bakugou looked shocked but kirishima was lying on te floor staring at me with wide eyes. You could even say there was a hint of fear in his eyes. Bakugou turned around so he was facing deku and stood there for a while. After about 30 seconds all three of us finally realized what had just happened. Fear overtook me as I saw small explosions coming from bakugou's hands. Faster than I could dodge bakugou grabbed my shirt and whispered something in my ear

"Me you after school. Meet me at the playground we used to visit together." Bakugou's voice sounded furious if that is strong enough to explain it. At the exact moment bakugou let go of me the rest of the class came into the classroom one after another. Finally mr. Aizawa entered immediately looking at kirishima who still had tears in his eyes and a burn mark on his cheek. "Deku please take kirishima to recovery girl." He said, without hesitation the  both of us stood up and headed out the door. We didn't say anything until half way there Kirishima asked me "what did he say to you midorya?"

Word count without a/n: 563

It's like 3 am so sorry that this is short c.c
Next chapter will be there soon I promise!
Now just enjoy this beautiful creations x.x

first ship: kirixdepressed!dekuWhere stories live. Discover now