Book Blurb

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*Author's Note: There are only a few sample chapters of the book here on Wattpad.
You CAN read the whole story on INKITT.COM!
The link to Inkitt is on my profile page. 


"I am never ever getting a boyfriend! And that's final."

Emilia Atkins is dead set on staying as far away from boys as she can.

She has a happy life taking care of stray cats, working at a Pet store, and saving as many injured animals as she can get her hands on.

There's only one thing Mia wasn't counting on: To be forced to help an impetuous stubborn black cat to recover from an accident that she might have caused.

'Lucky' for her, that black cat isn't just trouble. He also has a bag full of tricks and will surprise her in more ways than she could ever imagine. 

Now it's time for Mia to get lucky!



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A Romance Novel by Lilian Carmine

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without permission of the author, except for reviews or advertisements. This book is a work of fiction. All characters and situations are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual people, places, or events is coincidental.

Genre: Romance/Paranormal/Fiction/Young Adult

First Edition published at Wattpad, October 2014.

Copyright 2014 by Lilian Carmine

Copyright 2014 by Lilian Carmine

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Lilian Carmine is the author of the popular TLB Trilogy:  The Lost Boys, The Lost Girl, and Lost and Found, published by Random House. The Lost Boys had over 34 million reads online at Wattpad and the trilogy is now available for sale (check the profile page for links to the books - Support the author: Buy the books! ;)

Lilian is currently working as a freelance artist on illustrated children's books and scriptwriter for short animation films – as well as the next book in her Lost Boys series, and the sequel for Bad Luck.

The Lost Boys have been translated and published in Brazil, Portugal, Italy, and Turkey and can also be found in his original English language in The United Kingdom, USA, Canada, South Africa, and Australia.

The Lost Boys have been translated and published in Brazil, Portugal, Italy, and Turkey and can also be found in his original English language in The United Kingdom, USA, Canada, South Africa, and Australia

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