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Full name: Rachelle Rosziel

Age(s): (in the order I've played the games
Chain of memories: 19
358/2 days: 21
Dream drop distance: 23
Birth by sleep: 25
Kingdom hearts 3: 28

Personality: sweet, respectful, kind-hearted, also kinda silly, she also has quite a bit of a temper

Relationship(s): with Ansem Seeker of darkness(dream drop distance)
Braig/Xigbar(Birth by sleep) Marluxia(chain of memories)


Past Evil form:

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Past Evil form:

Keyblade welder: yes

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Keyblade welder: yes

Keyblade: Scarlett Rose

Keyblade: Scarlett Rose

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In the organazation: no

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In the organazation: no

Any powers: she controls ice and fire.

Her amulet:

Home world: Twilight town

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Home world: Twilight town.

Adopted father: Amsem the wise

Adopted father: Amsem the wise

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Real father: Luxord

Brother: Even/Vexen

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Brother: Even/Vexen

Backstory: Rachelle Rosziel is the daughter of luxord before he became a nobody

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Backstory: Rachelle Rosziel is the daughter of luxord before he became a nobody. She was given away to ansem the wise to keep her safe. When she turned 15 she encountered organization 13. And through the years they have tried to capture her and finally did so when she turned 18. That's when she met her real father and managed to escape with axel's help. But in kh3 when she turned 22 she met her father again though he looked more dangerous and upset towards her since the keyblade war was approaching fast. And that's the quick history

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