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"So what's this supposed to be? A vagina?" Caleb asks sarcastically, pointing to the symbol on the sheet of paper that really did resemble to a vagina.

Millie released a heavy sigh, resting her face in her palm.

He just wasn't getting the bigger picture. She had explained it five times now. In between each word, gaten would send him a stupid meme or tiktok and interrupt their conversation which made it equally harder to even talk to Caleb when he was distracted.

"No, it's just a strange symbol I found on the piece of paper. I thought you were good at this detective stuff!" Millie whined, running both her hands through her brunette locks before collapsing onto her bed.

Truth was, Caleb was really good at figuring out things. He always payed attention to body language and certain words people would use. Some say he was a master detective—of course they were joking.

Her balcony window was still shattered so it was a little breezy in her room, the curtains swayed lightly.

"It's just a symbol and a few numbers, Millie. I don't even understand what you want me to do." He says cluelessly, still looking down at the piece of paper.

Millie freaked, sitting up from the bed and looking across the room at Caleb. He sat in her desk chair.

"I want you to figure out what the hell it is!" She yelled lightly, flailing her arms around, frustrated. Her face started to turn a pale red color, she was getting so worked up.

Caleb sighs, there was a brief pause between the two of them.

These two didn't know each other that well. Finn was a friend of Caleb's and Millie would say hi to him every now and then. That was it, no history and anything.

Of course, Caleb was obviously nice to Millie considering that she was very close with Finn. Any friend of Finns is a friend of his own, and that's saying something.

And when he says close, he means close. He did pay attention to their body language, learning beforehand how close they were. Especially literally.

"Hey, did gaten tell you about the party that was happening this upcoming Friday?" Caleb suddenly asks out of the blue, thinking that a party would cheer her up.

She rolled her eyes, "No."

"Of course he didn't." Caleb rolled his eyes in annoyance at how reluctant gaten could be.

"Sorry, I might've pissed him off from inviting anyone since he called finn." Caleb says as he rests his head in his heads. Millie furrows her eyebrows.

"He called him yesterday, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"What did gaten say?"

"That's the thing, gaten didn't say anything because Finn was giving him silence. He seemed pretty stressed when we called him. He just yelled at gaten." Caleb says lowly, now looking up at Millie. Millie just stopped in her tracks.

"He didn't yell at gaten, I was right there when you guys called."

"Oh he sure did, ask gaten for yourself."

A thought suddenly occurred to Millie. Maybe Finn had gotten a previous call before he arrived at her house—which was the one with gaten.

Although when he got to her house, he received a second call?

Caleb decided to brush the conversation off, skipping the talk and thinking of the numbers on the paper.

"Okay look, there's a few numbers. We can search it up on google and see if it's an address of something? Maybe it will tell us where Finn went." Caleb explains seriously, folding up the piece of paper before setting it down on the desk, making sure it put a paper weight over it so it didn't fly out the window from the breeze.

"Yes! Good Caleb!" Millie bursts out, pointing to Caleb.

She sighs, Caleb really did want to find Finn, he'd do anything for that man.

She shoots up and grabs her phone, pacing the room as she searched up the numbers, hoping to find something. She crossed her fingers, too, her heart was beating anxiously.

She had already forgotten that Noah was supposed to come back today.

She searched the numbers, the page loading until a list of links popped up before her.

She sighs, looking at the various links. Nothing seemed to stand out to her. She internally scolded herself, realizing she should've put the zip code too. She re-searched the address, only a few links popping up this time.

One stood out perfectly.

It was right here, right here in this small town.


Finn was still sitting across from jack, an angry expression on his face. This kid was crazy to think that they would jump out of a moving van when they would likely get run over by the back tire on their way out.

Although, it was a clever idea—moreover, dangerous too.

It might just work.

He started to move his fingers towards the door, his hands bonded. Jack rose his eyebrows, watching it play out. The guys didn't seem to notice them, obviously.

One of them grunted, causing Finn to retract his hand—or freeze it in place. He needed to know if he was good to move his hands or not so he looked to jack.

Jack widened his eyes, flickering them to the rattling handle before he averted them to his feet.

Finn immediately caught on, without hesitation, he turned to the driver. He poked his shoulder with his bonded hands, trying to get his attention.

"Hey, dumbass." He says in an annoying tone, causing the body guard to grunt angrily, his bulky fingers gripping onto the wheel tighter. He seemed like a cave man in Finns mind, one that didn't know simple logic.

"You missed your turn." He says loud and firm, nodding his head in the direction of the window to his right.

All of the body guards turn their heads, looking out the exact window before a loud slam was heard, catching their attention just a second delayed as the car swerved to the 'missed turn.'

Before they knew it, jack kicked the handle loose and the door swung open just enough for them to jump through.

Jack went first and Finn was right behind him, both of their bodies hitting the pavement hard as they rolled out of the van dramatically.

The van had turned just enough for them to land in the grass, which is exactly what Finn had planned in his mind not even a second ago.

The van doesn't stop until it's further down the road, trying to turn around. It was carrying such a heavy load that it took forever to turn. Finn and jack got up immediately before running into the forest so they would see them.

Minutes passed as they ran deeper into the forest, the leaves crunching beneath their feet and the cold wind nipped at their skin harshly, their noses fading into a light red at the air.

They dodged trees, the only sound being their footsteps and heavy breathing.

Behind them was a field of trees, two brutish men chasing after them. They held metallic pistols in their hands as they searched for the pair. Giving up almost immediately because of how much they would have to run to find these two.

The men instantly turned around, knowing that they would end up finding them eventually. Or the pair would die in the forest.

One of the two.


I, am back.

Sorry that I've been gone for so long, I just gave up on this book for a few months before I decided to try and finish it. It's not even close to ending though, this is just the beginning.

More updates are to come.

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