Maybe Once
Maybe once
You'll look in my eyes and see what I see in yours
Maybe once
You'll smile when I smile because you just know I'm happy
Maybe once
You'll feel the same passion for me as I do for you
Maybe once
When I'm sad you'll be sad too because nothing in this world should bring me down
Maybe you'll try to lift my spirit
Because if someone or something made me sad, you'll be the one to pick me up
Maybe once
You'll cry my tears and hear my plea
You'll see my love for you
Maybe just this once
Today, Tomorrow, And Yesterday
Today I see more than yesterday, and probably more than tomorrow
Today I don't see trees
I see the leaves and the bark as they sway lightly in the breeze
I see the vines climbing towards the sun and up the fence
I see small green fronds descend from their large wooden homes
Today the sun is not only warm
But it's glistens and reflects on every puddle and every window
It makes my face bright with color and it warms my soul
Yesterday I saw the same old trees and the same old flowers
But today
Today I saw the beauty
The uniqueness in every petal and in every vain from every plant
I saw the wide array color each greenery had
Today is the day I see the beauty
Tomorrow is the day I wish I could see
And yesterday was the day I didn't know what there was
My eyes were open yesterday
They are open today
They will be open tomorrow
But today I see
Tomorrow I will merely mourn for my loss
And yesterday I looked
Today I see every color and every shape
The world is new and bright
Yesterday it was dull and boring
I can not speak for what it will be like tomorrow
But I can for what I will see
Tomorrow will be dull in comparison
Today is bright
I can only hope for another today
Beauty In Eyes
My eyes are like a river
Depending on the season
They can be muddy
They can be clear
They can be grown over
They could also be overflowing
You are a rare and beautiful person if you my eyes overflow
But not just you seeing it
But me being okay with you seeing me cry
Poems and Sh*t
PoesíaThis is just a ton of poems I randomly write and just compile them here. Some are nice and some aren't but yeah. Enjoy!