Chapter 4

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Louis Pov

"Y-you don't understand I stutter

"I don't understand Harry mocks

"Yes you don't understand it wasn't my fault I took a little longer than usual I defend

"Save it for the judge, oh wait I'm the judge!" Harry says standing up

"Cmon Harry I didn't do anything ask Zayn I was with him" I point

"You were with Zayn?" Harry repeats calming down

"Yes I was" I say backing up a bit

"I'll believe it when he tells me!" Harry growls

"He actually but I was cut off by the door opening to reveal Zayn.

"See Zayn tell him I was with you" I plead

Zayn smirks as he sees this Harry with a paddle and me scared to death.

"No actually I told him to take a quick shower but instead he didn't and was screaming in the shower" Zayn smirks

"Wh- but harry cut me off

"Lying! Is another rule you broke" Harry growls

"He's lying!" I point

"Lying again" Zayn hisses leaving the room

Harry grabs my arm and sits me on the bed and shoes  off.

He sits beside me and glares at me

"Do you know why your getting spanked?" Harry asked

"Yes" I mumble

"And why is that?" He asks

"Because I skipped curfew" I mumble

"Yes and what else did you do?" he asks

"But I didn't- but he cut me off

This is what I mean your lying! And before I know it I was tossed over his lap with the only thing protecting me my towel!

Now say thank you after each one alright Harry commands

"Alrig-but I was cut off by a smack being delivered to my bottom

SMACK Thankyou SMACK thank you SMACK t-hank SMACK you! SMACK thank you at this point I was sobbing

SMACK T-hanks SMACK thanks SMACK SMACK SMACK I stopped saying thank you after that since I couldn't talk anymore

SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK I was bawling all over Harry's lap


"No more needing this" Harry growls taking off my towel to revel my red bum as I cried even more


He picked me up and sat me on his lap

"Shhhh it's over" Harry shushed

"I'm sorry I sobbed out

"It's alright your forgiven" Harry says wiping tears with his thumb while his other hand is rubbing my back

But before I know it I'm fast asleep....

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