Chapter 1

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Its cold out here....

I'm not sure where I am......

All I can see is black...........

Please help me.........

(Annabelle's Pov)

I woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. Quickly, I looked around my room too see everything normal. As I took a breath of relief, i glanced at my clock. 3AM. huh, seems pretty early to be up. I thought. I walk downstairs to get a class of water, still startled about last night's dream.

~the dream~

I was running. I don't know where. Or what i was running from. I could hear noises, like- actually, i shouldn't describe it. Or it'll call it to you, too. Anyways, It started coming closer and closer. I saw a cabin, so i ran inside. But i fell. A hole or something. But, this was no normal hole. This hole, it went on forever. I couldn't see anything. It was so cold in there. Then, i woke up.

I shivered at the memory of the dream. Sighing, i placed down my cup in the sink and went back to bed. I tried to sleep, but to no luck. I was too shaken up. I eventually called my boyfriend, Ripley, but he didn't answer. Strange, he always does. Instead i called my dad and he said i could visit. I got dressed and walked to his house. My mother left when i was 4, so I barely got to know her. As i waited for my dad after knocking, i saw something in the woods. A person. They had glowing red eyes and black horns coming from their head. The door open, taking my attention away from the creature. I smiled at my dad and glanced back at the creature, to see it gone. Disturbed, i went inside.

(hey guys! Sorry its so short, its almost midnight and i have to be up SUPER early for a performance. And I'm dissociating, my scoliosis adding onto that with pain. So i tried my best, and sorry its short, but i wanted it to last a few chapters before the fun *eyebrow wiggle* parts start. Thank you for reading, and leave some comments so i can chat with y'all!

~Peach-Chan OwO)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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