Chapter 2: XVIII - V

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"Where to?! We don't even know where we are!" Al exclaims.

"Just go! Run as fast and as far as you can! I'll catch up."

"You're leaving us again?"

"No, Al. We're the ones leaving him, dumbass," Nico adds.

"Shut the fuck up and just go, all of you!" I urge.

"How are you gonna find us? What if you'll never find us?" Jun asks, her eyes about to break into tears.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely find you," I reassure. "No matter what."

Jun runs up to me, her arms desperately clinging to me. I hug her tightly, as if I'm never letting go. I retract my embrace and look at her for a moment, and I softly kiss her forehead, as if to give her assurance. She wipes her tears and hugs me for the last time. I walk up to Al and Nico, patting their shoulders.

"Take care of Jun, okay? Whatever you do, don't look back once you start running," I warn. They both sigh as they prepare themselves to leave.

"Understood," says Al.

"See you later," I say. Take care of it, each of you. Whatever comes your way."

The three of them takes a final look at the room, then at me. I smile at them and wave goodbye as I watch them depart from the room.

I slump against the windowsill for a moment, as I hear their footsteps grow distant. I hear the faint rumbling of the skies, hesitating to take another look out of fear and anxiety. I sit here, spacing out while taking several intervals of suspiration, as if I'm waiting for someone or something to happen. With my eyes wide open, I let my thoughts scatter around the room.

Every now and then, I would find myself gazing vacantly at something inanimate, as if I'm recreating a certain memory from an epoch of my life, or perhaps I'm simply distracted by a reverie— a vague way of having myself preoccupied as I rid myself of the loneliness that lingers within.

Almost succumbing to slumber, I stand up in an instant— and suddenly my surroundings become warped and I experience a momentary blindness. I stagger, feeling lightheaded from standing up ever so suddenly. I haven't the slightest idea as to why my body took such a dramatic reaction.

As everything finally made sense, I decide to take a look outside the window. The whole scene looks so surreal. Dark clouds have accumulated right at the top of this dingy apartment. I retreat from the window and immediately walk downstairs to leave. My throat is parched and lips are chapped, but I have no time to waste.

I must leave this place as soon as I can.

* * * * *

My footsteps echo in the hallway as I run. I feel immense pressure surging through my veins, leaving me quite breathless.

"FUCK!" I gasp, as I stumble on the floor after taking a step on a what seemed like a decrepit floorboard.

I feel an excruciating pain on the mid-calf of my left leg, hoping that I didn't get a cut from the splintered floorboard, as I'm wearing jeans. Back on my feet, I try to run as fast as I can, despite limping heavily. As I finally reach the stairs towards the front door, I take the first step down the stairs, and suddenly, I lose my balance as my left leg screams in pain.


I fall down the stairs and land on the dusty carpet facedown with a loud thud. I cough from the cloud of dust that have accumulated in the air, groaning at the white-hot pain emanating from my mid-calf. It seems like I hit the nape of my neck at a stair as I fell down. Within a moment's spur, the sight of the paintings catches my glimpse as I lie on the floor, writhing in agony. Unable to move for a moment, I lie on my back and stare at the chandelier as I take deep breaths to gradually ease the pain.

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