pt 2 (smut)

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ok this is the smut time just as a warning

A sudden knocking on the car window shakes me out of my sleep, and I jump in my seat. With a start, I realize that it's actually nighttime, and I scramble for my phone to check the time. It's 9:00, I had slept for twelve hours.

A second knock on the window brings me to my senses and I turn to see who it is. It's Clay. Fuck, I do actually like him, I think as I immediately wipe away my mascara marks and smooth my hair. I unlock the car and let him in, adjusting my skirt and cursing myself for liking him.

He climbs into the passenger seat and puts his headphones into his backpack. Turning his attention to me, I follow his eyes as they linger for a second on my short skirt, and I blush as he nervously looks away.

"So you listened to my tape, huh?" I say, shocked at my sudden confidence.

He turns his face to me and doesn't speak, contemplating what he's going to say. Taking a deep breath, he sighs, "Yeah, I did."

I swallow the lump in my throat and try my hardest not to cry, mostly because now I'm scared I'll get dehydrated if I cry anymore than I already have today. "If you just got into my car to yell at me or say you hate me then-"

"No, Y/N, just shut up for a minute." Clay bursts, running a hand through his hair. Hurt but intrigued, I sit quietly and stare at the steering wheel, too afraid to make eye contact. "Listen," he takes a deep breath, "I don't hate you. I don't know if I ever could, it's you. Honestly, your tape wasn't even that bad. So you liked some guy. You never went out of your way to hurt her. I mean, do you still like him?"

Clay's icy blue eyes, with a deep look of a need I had never seen before, connect with mine across the car. He shifts in his seat so he was fully facing me, and I do the same.

"Clay, I can't." His face falls and a deep feeling of regret strikes my chest. "I do still like him, and I can't stop thinking about him." Taking a deep breath, I summon all my courage. "It's you, Jensen."

I watch as he starts at the sudden news and tries to recompose his face. "I have liked you even before you met Hannah, but I just can't. She's dead and it's my fault! She died, Clay, because I was in love with you and she wanted you." I exhale loudly and bury my face in my hands.

"Do you remember that night you saved me from dying out in the cold?" I'm rambling now and talking with my hands. He nods, and he draws a little closer to me, making my heart flutter. "That was two years ago, and I just couldn't forget you after that night. I mean really, it's exhausting. And it's just so-" Clay starts smiling and leaning over across the car. "Hey what are you-"

"Shut up." Clay whispers, his lips parted and his eyes full of happiness. He's getting closer to me, and his eyes trail down my body longingly. Butterflies fill my stomach as his eyes fall on my eyes.

I close the space between us, crashing onto his lips, and he kisses me deeply with a passion I never knew he was capable of. My hands travel up his back and latch around his neck, and his strong hands pull at my waist. He stays connected at my lips as his hands pull at the small of my back, pulling me from my car seat into his lap.

My mind races as his hand encircles around my waist, gently pulling my leg up so I am wrapped around his lap. His hand moves my hips exactly where I want him to, with the other hand entangling itself in my hair. He buries his face into my neck and bites gently, leaving marks as he moves down towards my chest. I giggle knowing how I have to hide those later.

"Hey, hey listen." I blurt out as I feel his hands start to climb up my shirt. Gasping for breath, I pull away from him and he looks at me sadly, his eyes bright with electricity. I need to check, no matter how amazing this felt. "I mean, do you like me too? Or are you just looking for a hookup?"

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