The Tale of Marlowe Manor
It is a dark and stormy night. The traveller shivers and clutches his cloak tightly as it billows out , making him look like a demented windmill. He squints through the lashing rain and does a double take. There is a menacing old mansion rearing up out of the gloom. It's many windows are in various states of disrepair and several of the walls are dangerously close to complete and utter ruin. Then,suddenly something catches his eye. A light in a window,on the top floor. Instead of the fear he had expected,there comes only a burning curiosity to investigate the cause of the light. As he passes through the rusty old gate,he sneaks a glance upwards and immediately wishes he hadn't. A pair of gruesome gargoyle eyes meet his,and for a second he falters in his stride,the curiosity he had felt disappearing and replaced solely by fear. He shakes his head. It is only a statue he tells himself , but all the same he quickens his pace. The traveler enters through a set of broken down old doors at the front of the manor and winces at the hideous crrreeeaaakkkk that echoes down the hallway and rebounds in his ear. As the traveler tiptoes down the hall , a menacing shadow appears and begins to stalk its prey.
He is heading in the general direction of the room when a disturbance behind him causes him to whirl around. He is puzzled. There is no evidence of anything happening except for the swaying of the abnormally large chandelier. The traveller makes his way to the main staircase and begins the long climb.He notes the ornate carvings that mount the banisters and the once beautiful dusty carpet.He has reached the top of the stairs. The traveller glances fearfully around the landing and spies a crack of light seeping faintly through a doorway on his left. He carefully sidles around an ancient chest and trips over a loose skirting board. The light immediately disappears and the traveller feels an icy draught pass over him. He forces himself to look up. The ghost of a woman is standing over him. His instincts are telling him to run but he is rooted to the spot. The ghost radiates pure fear and terror - feelings the traveller has had to become accustomed to in a short space of time. He looks desperately around the barren little room for something , anything that could rid him from the horrid phantom. He spies an ancient armchair and an iron shelf holding several dusty old volumes , but nothing that could harm an insubstantial being or drive it away. He sinks to his knees and lets out an unearthly scream as the ghost begins to feast ....
A year later an estate agent and a local farmer come to see if the mansion is still fit to live in. The farmer has done very well in this year's harvest and is trying to find a larger home for him and his family. The estate agent has heard story's about the old house but , being a practical man , has no belief in putting stock into old wives tales and so is unafraid. As they reach the rusty gate the agent glances up at the gargoyles and , just for a a fleeting moment , has second thoughts about continuing any further. But he qualms any doubts and continues on in silence. The farmer tries to push open the gates , but they disintegrate in his hands. " it appears they will be needing replaced " remarks the agent. The farmer agrees. They walk up the drive , the gravel crunching beneath their feet. As they walk up the stone steps to the Old oak door the agent could have sworn the knocker was glaring at him , warning him not to come any further. The farmer appears not to have seen any of this and , instead , remarks that he will have to replace the knocker in case it gives his youngest daughter nightmares. The agent thinks that this will not be the only thing that give may give the child a fright. As they enter the hall their footsteps echo off the walls and ring fresh in their ears. The farmer too , is beginning to feel a trifle uneasy as the dusty hall swallows them up in pure darkness. At this point both men are wishing they had thought to bring a lamp. Suddenly there is a disturbance behind them. The agent whips his head around fast enough to see something scuttle behind him and his companion. A wave of fear washes over him and he feels a cold trickle of sweat on his neck. The agent grabs a candle holder from a nearby desk and , with a great shout , brandishes it wildly around his head. The farmer stares at his friend in surprise. There is a dark gleam of madness in his eyes that would send satan himself to cower beneath the nearest bed and strikes a growing fear into the farmer's heart. He starts to back away from the mad man and........ To be continued in the next update................
The Tale of Marlowe Manor
TerrorThis is my first horror story , so if it's kinda overdone a bit , AJOLOPIES IN ADVANCE One thing - just don't read it alone in the dark - you never know what may be lurking round the next corner......