★ | 054. imprinting on werewolves, twilight

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 54: Imprinting On Werewolves, Twilight
Word Count: 1145

Can we just get this over with so I can get the hell out of here? He thought with a growl, staring ahead at the Cullen clan and their allies

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Can we just get this over with so I can get the hell out of here? He thought with a growl, staring ahead at the Cullen clan and their allies. He had already been informed that they would most likely have to fight and he really did not want to. He had heard about the Cullen's and how powerful they were.

Not only that but it wasn't just the Cullen's. There were wolves, other vampires that he were sure also had powers that would blow anyone's mind. He didn't feel like dying today. He actually liked being a vampire and there was so much he wanted to do before he met his fate.

He was standing a little behind Aro as his leader talked with Bella and Edward. He tilted his head to the side as he looked at the little girl that was the cause of all this. She looked so much like her mother and father. He had never heard about a vampire getting a human pregnant before so you couldn't blame him for being a bit sceptical about the young girl.

He brought his eyes back up and scanned over the crowed, deciding to look at the wolves this time. He had always found the species interesting and would love to actually talk to one and see what being a werewolf was like. There wasn't many of them. A small pack but one that could do some damage non the less.

His eyes stopped and his body froze, feeling like his heart had come alive once again and someone had grabbed it in their hand and squeezed as tight as they could. There was no way this could actually be happening. The two wolves he had previously been staring at, stepped forward, only for the black wolf to snap its jaws at them, causing them to recoil.

That didn't sit right with [name] and he snarled, his fangs on show as he sent a threatening look towards who he could only assume was the alpha. His whole body was calling him to walk over to them, to protect the wolves he now knew were his mates. He glanced around at his clan, knowing he could no longer fight with them, which he wasn't to disappointed about.

Edward and Bella stepped back and [name] just had to follow, drawing everyone's attention towards him. Edwards breath hitched as he read his thoughts. He stood next to the Cullen pair and looked at Aro. "I can no longer fight on your side. I've found my mates and they happen to be on the other side." He said bluntly before he bowed respectfully, seeing Aro's eyes grow darker and more sinister.

It was silent as he walked to the other side, knowing Aro couldn't hurt him. Not yet at least, as that would only start the battle earlier than he wanted. He went straight to the back and when the black wolf stepped forward, snarling at him, he used his powers to push the wolf back, only enough to send him a couple feet back. "I believe it's against your law to hurt one of your packs imprints? So, be a good doggy and sit." He turned to the other two beautiful wolves that now had his full attention. "I won't let any of them hurt you. I promise."

The smaller one whined and pushed its large head against his shoulder while the larger one knocked his shoulder with its snout. They were a lot bigger up close and he would be worried if it weren't his mates who he knew could never hurt him.

He turned around and faced the clan he once stood with, now ready to fight and kill any he had to to protect his mates. For once he had something worth fighting for.

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It was hours later when [name] stood outside the Cullen house. They never did end up fighting. Alice Cullen had used her powers and shown Aro the future. It had been enough to scare him off, which he was very thankful for, and now he was free of them. Of course he would always worry about them coming back and trying to hurt them but for right now he would push that to the back of his mind.

He had other things to worry about now. Like waiting to meet his mates for the first time. He was tapping his foot impatiently. Sam had needed to talk to them first, [name]'s dislike for him was at its peak right now.

"Who would have thought the big bad [name] would be mates to a couple dogs. Very interesting turn of events." Edward spoke from next to him. They had met once before when he had come to the Volturi to kill himself.

"Life is full of surprises." He smiled back. The first genuine one he had had for the first time in years. He saw the two people he had been hanging to see and turned to Edward. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

He only got a couple feet ahead before he was nearly tackled in hugs. His strength held him back and he laughed. The unusually warm bodies didn't let him go and he didn't want them to. "It's nice to meet you to. I'm [name]." He introduced himself.

The wolves pulled back with giant smiles on their faces, a sparkle in their eyes. "I'm Embry." "I'm Seth." They said at the same time.

"Beautiful names for my beautiful mates." He couldn't help but say, watching the blood fill their cheeks. He had landed himself some adorable mates. He put each of his hands on one of their cheeks, using his thumb to gently stroke the soft skin. "I never thought that the day I thought I was going to die, I actually met the people I've been searching for."

Embry growled, "never use you and die in the same sentence ever again."

"Sorry." He apologised, leaning forward to place a kiss on Embry's cheek.

"Hey, what about me?" Seth pouted, turning his head to the side, making [name] shake his head playfully before also kissing his cheek. Having two needy mates might be a bit more to handle than he originally thought.

But even with that in mind, he had never been more excited about the future and what was to come.

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Authors Note: See below!

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Consider supporting me on Patreon and/or following me on YouTube 💕 Links in my bio.

Usually when I think about the ending of Twilight, I'm disappointed because that battle was so epic and to find out it was just a vision was really annoying but then I remember that characters I loved would be dead if it were real and than I'm okay with it again.

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