Chapter 3- The Yuan Ji Tribe

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Yan Mo got a scoop of water. He pounced on the water ladle.... Hold on, must drink it slowly.

While he was drinking water, the man was talking to Fei Quan. He pulled something from the gra.s.s belt around his waist and gave it to the brawny man with the protruding belly.

Fei Quan nodded his head after receiving the item. He immediately went to the thatch barn to pick up an animal that looked like a dog. The beast was severely wounded. Chopped head, severed limbs, its stomach was cut open...

The man saw that Yan Mo already drank all the water in the ladle, he forcefully grabbed the ladle and filled it with blood from the beast's neck. Shoving in front of Yan Mo's face he said "Drink!"

Drink animal blood.... Sure, after all this was just another way to replenish the body's salt and nutrition content.

Yan Mo endured the nausea, slowly holding the wooden ladle he began to drink the animal blood. He wasn't sure if it's because this body was already used to this treatment because his body had no nauseating reactions. Yan Mo figured it was only a mental thing.

During this period, the man went around and began collecting the leaves of the thistle, giving it all to Yan Mo to hold.

Wiping his lips, Yan Mo expressed his thanks to the man. The man grabbed onto Yan Mo's arm, looked at his broken leg, and lifted him up under the arms.

Yan Mo felt very thankful in his heart, he was carried over the shoulder by people before. The nauseating feeling would not need to shift upwards. If the man put him over his shoulder right now, he would vomit on him.

Being carried under the armpits was not comfortable but Yan Mo endured the pain to observe his surroundings.

This is not a harmonious tribe; that was Yan Mo's first impression.

In the plaza, besides the man speaking with Fei Quan, all the men and women around would not even glance at him or even say a word to him.

Around the plaza, You could see there was a giant area used for a stockade. The people here live in tents made from hide. The stockade was set up to let people pa.s.s. In the middle ran two parallel dirt roads that could each fit a horse carriage. There are tents on either side of the roads.

There were people in the tents and on the roads, but Yan Mo has not seen the man talk to anyone. There was also no one who wanted to talk to him. People were mostly walking on the roads. The people sitting in front of the tents were all busy doing various kinds of labour.

The plaza is in the middle of the stockade. The tents in the stockade below the plaza were very crude, simple, and small. But the tents above the plaza were much larger and cleaner.

The man did not walk for long. Holding onto Yan Mo, he turned onto a small path.

Yan Mo snuck a glance and realized the more they walked forward, the better the tents got. The one at the very top looked like the Chief's tent. It even had leather skirt wearing men guarding the entrance.

This living area seemed to be on a gentle hillside. Yan Mo guessed that the bottom of the hill was where the poor and slaves lived. The higher you lived, the higher your status.

Not long after pa.s.sing the square, it was obvious to see that the man's position was average.

Yan Mo made a mental note along the path. After turning in from the small path, starting from the first tent along the big dirt path, the man's tent is in the 4th row, which also happens to be the last row.

The s.p.a.ce between each tent in the rows were all equal. It's like.... Barracks, but the elderly men and women working in front of the tents were full of life.

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