Chapter 2

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Bill Pov

       I listened carefully to the angelic melody that came from the Palace. Looking up trying to find the source of the voice that flowed into my ears filling my heart. The voice was so sad.


     "Bill are you feeling well?" My brother asks me. 

       "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" I asked slightly confused.

    "Your c-c-crying. You never show any emotion when we are outside the castle." Will spoke to me with a large sign of confusion. Though he is right I never cry much. I slowly looked back up. It must be that voice. "What are you looking at?" Will queered in confusion.

    "It's a song. I've herd it before. I don't know what it is but it sounds so sad. I need to find it." I say as seemingly more tears pour down my face. Gently drying them I carefully teleport away from the crowd. Quickly and quietly made myself invisible.  

3rd Pov

       Will wanted to follow his twin however he was going to have greet the King and Queen of this land. Sighing with a smile he goes to greet the King and Queen.

~with Bill

          As the song began to end he slowly began to try and call back. Reaching in he grabbed hold of the song that was in his heart. He began to call back with a song. He needed this person. They were the person he had been searching years for. He tried to find love so many times but he just couldn't.

Bill is the guy and Dipper is the girl BTW

        As he sung he stopped trying to find the voice who had since gone quiet. He began to slowly lose hope but he herd the voice respond with the next part.  He began to fly towards the voice again with graceful speed. Soon they slowly began to harmonize with one another. Carefully he soon he soared above to the top of the castle at the tippy top. Looking at the castle he saw a small window sill. As he went closer he saw a small figure with beautiful eyes that stared back at him. They were a beautiful shade of emerald  that seemed to glow in the moonlight.  The figure's hair was long and the color of the beautiful midnight sky.  They had long eyelashes with a small button nose. They stared at each other captivated by the glow in each others eyes. 

"Um hello, I liked your song." Bill said with a small blush dusted onto his face. Dipper blushed harshly at this.

"I loved your song too." The smaller said in a gentle whisper. Looking away slightly pushing a loose strand behind his ear.

  "This may seem strange but who are you?" Bill queered trying to figure out who this person may be. They seemed to be unknown to him at all. He had the powers to know who anyone is.

  "Me. I don't know my name. But I believe I was the Prince of this kingdom. The king and queen imprisoned me here long long ago."The boy spoke with a distant look on his voice. At this Bill looked shocked, this kid was the prince. There was something that happened long ago. This kingdom had twins. One was a girl while the other was a boy. One day the boy just vanished no one knew what happened. Well this could possibly explain some things.

    "Why are you up here then." Bill asked it was very weird since he should be downstairs at the party. Dipper simply shrugged he didn't really want to remember why. "Would you like to leave this place. " He desperately wanted to get his mate from this horrid place.


Someone opened the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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