Chapter 1

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(Athours note: This story is based off Naruto so I will be using the characters from it also they may be acting different from how they act in the anime and I'm not following th time line of Naruto)

(Athena's P.O.V)
I was running through the woods trying to find the village when I came saw two Ninja, I stopped in my tracks, I couldn't tell if they were friend or foe. One of them turned around and saw me, I was frozen in fear. I'm only 10 years old and have fled some very dangerous people. The other ninja accompanying him turned around, the one that saw me first was tall and slender, he has silver spikey hair, his ninja headband covering his right eye and is also wearing a mask that covers his nose and down. The other seemed to be apart of the AMBU, but I could see that he had brown hair. " Who are you, and where have you come from? " The silver haired man spoke. I looked up at him and spoke. " I am Athena Rose. I came from Uzushiogakure barring an important message for the Hokage of the hidden leaf village. I request to see her as soon as possible. " I tell them, the look at me with confusion all over there face. " Why would a village send a mere child across the land with an important message rather then sending a Jonin?" He questions me as his parter nods in agreement. " That Information is classified unless the Hokage trusts you with the information, now as I said earlier i request to see he as soon as possible. Will one of you helped me get to the village or must I find it myself?" I say trying to be as nice as possible. The silver haired man turned around and begins walking. " Come on, let's get going I have other things to do." He says pulling out an Orange book which the cover reads "Icha Icha Paradise "  When I cought up to him he was still reading, I was walking beside him the whole way and neither of us spoke a word. He brought me to the village gates and gave me directions to Hokage Tower. " Thank you. " I say as he began walking away, he gave me a wave as he continued to walk. I turned around to have the gates opened and I made my way to Hokage Tower. Five minutes later I still hadn't arrived so I jumped on to the rooftops to get a better view. I saw the building I had been looking for so I decided to make my way to it from the rooftops. About a minute or two later I had arrived, I mad my way up the stairs and found the Hokage's office, I knocked on the door and waited for her to allow me entrance. I heard a low " Come in " from the other side of the door. I opened the door and she looked up from the pile of papers sitting on her desk. " Hi, what can I do for you? " she said treating me like a  child, I went and stood in front of her desk and began speaking. " I am Athena Ross, I am from the village hidden by whirling tides. Some dangerous people came to the village and destroyed it, the wore black and red cloaks and said the were from the Akatsuki. There is nothing left of my village and there were no other survivors. " She didn't say anything she just looked at me with sadness in her eyes. " I would like to request a place to live as well as to join the ninja academy." I tell her. " I will set up some living arrangements and you will have to be tested to see what level you'll be placed at in the academy." " Thank you Lady...? " " Tusande" she tells me " Right, Thank you lady Tusande. I'll be off to learn the layout of the village I'll come back around dinner time to get my key and be tested if that is fine with you." I say ready to leave. " Yes that will work, have a nice day, Athena." " You to, Lady Tsunade." I say as just before I walk out of her office. Once I get out of Hokage tower i make my way around town, after about 30minutes of walking around town I decided to stop at this park. There were a lot of kids there playing, there was a group of girls a couple of years older than me by the swings and a group of boys a couple of years older than me climbing the trees. I don't bother going over to anyone trying to make friends so I just jumped into the trees and sat on a branch to chill for a bit. I was there for about an hour before I realized what time it was so I jumped down from the trees and Began making my way back to Hokage Tower. It took me only five minutes to get there, I knocked on Lady Tsunade's office door and she allowed me to come in. When I got in she gave me my keys and my address and she had decided to take me for dinner before she tested me for my academy level. We left the office and made our way to a restaurant, she took my to a place called "Ichiraku Ramen" Once we got there we sat down on the benches and waited to be served, as we waited Lady Tsunade told me what I'd be tested on. " You'll be tested on Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, knowledge of the ninja world, like the history of the different villages and such. Do you think you can handle all of that?" She asked " Peice of cake" I say sounding cocky. " Now don't get ahead of your self there." She tells me. " Well I'm pretty good in all of those things, at least to my villages standers." I tell her. The food had arrived, we began to eat, Lady Tsunade even got me a second bowl cuz I haven't eaten much in the past week so I needed to buil up my strength. After eating we went to one of the training fields and Lady Tsunade tested me in Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu. Once that was done we went back to her office and she gave me a quiz on my knowledge of the Ninja world. Once that was over with she gave me some money to get some new clothes. She told me not to bother with food because she had already stocked my house with enough for a month or two. It was 7pm so I didn't have much time since most shops closed at 8 so I hurried to some clothing stores and got everything I needed. Once I put my clothes away at my apartment
(Yes she lives alone, Naruto has for his hole life so it's fine)
And got back to Hokage Tower it was 8pm on the dot, so I went upstairs and knocked on the office door waiting for the fimllar " Come in " I opened the door and sat down in the chair in front of her desk waiting in anticipation. " You weren't kidding when you said you were good. You don't need to go to th academy but, I'm going to send you in the graduating year so you can meet people around your age and so it'll be easier assigning you to a squad, plus it's only two months left of classes. You begin tomorrow, your teacher will be Iruka." " Thank you Lady Tsunade" I'm said almost out of her office " School starts at 8am, don't be late" she reminds me, " Yes mam' " I say before leaving her office. I quickly head home so I can get a good nights rest. I got home at around 8:30pm, I went to my bathroom took a shower then changed into so black Pj shorts and a white cropped top, then immediately went to my bedroom which I hadn't looked at yet, ' I have a Queen sized bed!?' I thought to myself I jumped onto my bed and pulled the blankets over me and drifted quickly into a deep sleep.

(A/n: hopefully you like the story so far, I don't know how long it'll take for the next part since this one only took two days, so hopefully it stays within that rage to make)

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