The what

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Damie POV:
    I gave in I asked her if "she can see a, dark figured with blood red eyes horns on its head and, skeleton wings on is back."
    She said "she hasn't"
    Even if she has she probably has forgotten about it could have been years ago anyways. I just been wandering on how come no one else can see her but, me. Why am I the only that can see the world that others don't?
Nora's pov: Once Damie told me about that demon she calls the reaper I never see it before? It been days and she stopped talking to me she seem to on edge for some reason? I'm dead but, I still can't see what this girl sees she pretty special I think? I on trying to talk to her but, no avail it seems like she ignoring me. Why is she being so difficult lately? What's wrong with u?  Don't you hear me I'm right here?! It seems like she can't see me anymore I don't want that again! Couple more days past I saw it had scales all over his body, shark like teeth and had knifes sharp claws it has. I started to have flash backs like crazy of that demon. I saw when I died it killed me it try to take me like it took the others. I don't understand on how it here on this earth I seen every type of demon. In my time of demon on this earth this thing is not apart of this earth in was man make. Some crazy people must have made it but, know they must be dead why would anyone want to make that thing. I told Damie "I seen it!" She looked at me and said "finally" with a monotone type of voice. Then she asked "Do u know wear it came from?"
    I said " yes it was man made in a lad. I don't know wear or why they did it."
    "Me either I think we should go to my mom and ask her what happened when I was born."
    "You'll see."
   "Ok then let's get going I guess?"
    "Ok harry up the last on there is a rotten egg!"
    "Oh your on!" Both of us has a good laugh she won of course but, I still don't understand why she needs her mom to answer that question. Once we were there I asked "why do u really needed to know what happened?" Silence...then
    She said "Mom I'm home can u answer a question about the day I was born?" She said in a calm, soothing and, serious tone.
     Her mom said " Sure my dear anything for you."
    "Ok mom what all happened the day I was born."
    "It was one of my happiest day of my life you see when you were born it was a beautiful clear day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and flowers were blooming everywhere you can see. You were born on a Friday around 11:30 it was a harvest moon that day. It couldn't have been a better day you were the more beautiful "human" I have ever seen."
    All I could think in why did she say human not thing or creature. She to much improvised the word human why would anyone said human anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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