Same Cycle of Pain

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"Okay, tell me again." The women across from me in the chair looked expectant. Her glasses hung off her nose, with her piercing eyes staring into my soul -- creepy? Yes, very.
"I mean, I've told you like 8 times, every freaking session for the past 2 years...and you want me to repeat it again?" I stared at her confused. She suddenly jumped up,
"Only if you want to of course!" I smiled at her,
" I don't want to." She frowned.
"Skylynn, you know keeping in your emotions is not compatible. It causes your nerves to be on edge and your..." Yada. Yada. Yada. Edginess, stress, pain, anger; those are my accessories. Everyone has earrings, bracelets, and necklaces, and I have stress, pain, and so I am told, a killer attitude.
"....Skylynn, are you listening to me?" No.
"Yes. Of course. I think what your saying is correct and I want to help you, help me. I will do as you wish, and recite the worst day of my life, vividly, back to you." I smiled my best fake smile. The shrink stared at me,
"Skylynn, is this sarcasm you are using with me right now?"
How dumb could you possibly be?
"Oh no, Dr. Fallon. Why do you suppose I would do that?" I said sarcastically. She stared at me a moment longer before looking down at her note pad. She pulled out a fine point pin.
"Alright, go ahead and start." I sighed, but closed my eyes, and leaned on the red cushioned chair.
"Do as I have taught you." I nodded. I took one deep breath in, then one out. I did this until my heart rate slowed, and I could think clearly. I cleared my mind from nothing but the truth. All secrets, and lies categorized themselves in the back of my mind, while the horrifying memory came into view:
I could feel the happy waves vibrate throughout my body. Everything screamed bright, and joyful. I opened my eyes to find a dark drab color, my window was dotted by droplets of rain.
"Skylynn, it is Dr. Fallon. Can you hear me?" She called. It was so very close, but also very far at the same time.
"Yes, I can hear you."
"What do you feel?" She asked.
"Everything is happy, exciting. But all I see is rain. I am looking out a window, same as usual."
"What else do you see?" I felt myself turn to look from the window, and my heart was filled with a warming sensation.
My mother and father sat in the front seat, smiling at one another. I turned to the left, to find my brother squinting his eyes in concentration, as he played a PSP.
"I family." I choked.
"Okay. Everything looks normal? Nothing new added to the picture, right?" I looked closely at everything. Everything seemed familiar, it all seemed right.
"Everything seems-" there was a black flash out of the corner of my eye. I felt myself jerk my head, but it was gone. Everything was alright: except for that. Was I going to tell her? Duh, of course not, she'll think I'm freaking crazy. Then again, if they didn't think I was crazy, I wouldn't be here.
"Skylynn, what did you see?" Dr. Fallon's voice was persistent.
" Nothing. I saw nothing. Everything is normal." As the rain pounded, and the car sped up, I knew what was going to happen next. My chest started to ache, and my breathing became hard.
"Skylynn, what is happening?" But I didn't have enough breath to tell her. I felt the car lurch. I held my breath as I the car flew into the air, spinning like a top. A crashing force came down on my chest, and everything was dark.
"Skylynn. Skylynn, breathe." Her voice was alarmed. I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Okay," she said in a deep breathe, "what do you see now?" Light came into view, and I could barley see. I shook my head to have a clearer image.
The rain was a lot harder now. Instead of watching it from the safety of the car, I was in it. I was completely soaked, and cold. I felt myself sit up, but I could not move.
"Skylynn. Your okay. Tell me what is happening." She insisted. I jerked and pulled, but I was stuck. I looked at my foot. It was smushed between the car door, and tangled in a seat belt. My arm, and left foot twisted in awkward angles.
"The car has crashed, and... My foot is stuck." I whispered.
"You're hurt, correct?" I nodded,
"Yes." I jerked my foot over and over again, until my ankle started to bleed.
Suddenly there was heat on my neck. And it started to burn. I cried out.
"Skylynn, tell me what you're feeling."
"I feel heat. It's burning me." I attempted to drag my self away.
"It is fire. What else do you see?" I looked at the fire that was crawling towards me every second. I heard a scrapping sound. Like someone was dragging medal. A black figure zoomed in the corner of my eye. My head turned quickly, and my breath caught. The atmosphere was freezing. Ice formed on the road right before my eyes. Chills dotted my arms, and my hair stood on end. My teeth chattered, and I started to shake. I looked at the source causing it. It was a black hooded figure: instead of walking it glided. It dragged a metal triton behind it. I held my breath.
"Skylynn, you're shivering. Are you cold?" I stared at the scene before me. Of course I've seen this before, I've seen all of it, but I still couldn't shake the feeling. I watched as it crouched in front of something. I trained my neck to see what it was interested in. My little brother lay on his stomach, bloodied, and broken. His eyes were closed, and all his colors were drained. His body slowly rises and settles, signaling he is alive, but barely. I watched in horror as the figure raised the triton over its head and brought the triton down in my little brother's back. His chest no longer rose, or fell, he just laid there, gone. Tears gathered in my eyes,
"NO!" A scratchy voice screamed. It was quiet, and painful. It took me a second I realize it was my voice, my cry. The creature brutally yanked the triton out and turned in my direction. My eyes widened in fear. It had heard me, and I was next. It walked to me, dragging the triton along.
"Skylynn." Dr. Fallon called. But I couldn't speak. The hooded figure had no face. All that lay beneath the hood was darkness. I yanked my foot wildly, but it hung there limply. Although the fire flared, and burned, it didn't stop the chill creeping into my bones. The black figure was halfway to me, taking it's time like it knew I wasn't going anywhere. I started to slide back the the burning car. The flames reached out at me, as I climbed in the back of the car. The seats hung above, seat belts swinging. I yanked my foot again, but it did not come free. I looked harder to find my shoe was caught in the door. I undid the laces and pulled my foot out. I began to crawl out when I was yanked back into the flaming car. I turned to find my ankle wrapped in a seat belt. I looked irrationally, and saw a piece of sharp glass. Maybe if I... I picked up a chunk of glass and began to cut the seat belt. My foot came lose, and I dragged myself out of the car. The flames licked the back of legs and I screamed. I pulled myself towards the woods. Almost. Just a little farther. A cold hand gripped my burned, soar ankle and I was wretched back. The pain was nothing compared to the frostbite feeling coursing through my leg. It let go of my angle and grabbed my neck. The freezing sensation radiated through my body, I could feel it slowing my heart beat. I tried to scream, but the coldness choked me. The cloaked figure turned my face towards the empty pit of it's hood. Suddenly I felt something being ripped from my body. My body was becoming a freezing corpse by the second. I suddenly realized, my soul was being ripped away. My legs went limp, and I could feel the coldness paralyzing me slowly. My eyes grazed a silver pendent hanging from it's neck. I reached out and yanked it. Surprised, the hooded thing dropped me, and backed up. I fell coughing, and gasping for air. I watched as the thing writhed, and screamed a horrible sound. I tried to to stand, but instead I got into a crouch. I turned for the woods, and a sudden burst of fire sent me flying over the ditch into the woods. Pain burned on my back, and I screamed. I screamed until I was cut off by darkness.

"What the hell!" I yelled, holding my face. I looked at Dr. Fallon in disbelief.
"Why would you do that?!" She looked at me apologetically.
"You were not answering me. And I did not wanting you to go into a state of shock." Mmm.
"Yeah, a state of shock? What am I in now then?" I asked glaring.
" Skylynn, what happened? You stopped reciting to me, and started doing abnormal things. I thought you were having a seizure." I looked over at her,
"Oh...I don't know..."
"You're not telling me something. You need to tell me if you saw something." I rolled my eyes,
"I saw nothing. Everything was the same as usual. Same reck, same pain, same scarring images, and same deaths." I said plainly. She stared at me,
"Don't. Don't you do that. Stop saying it as is it's not big deal. As if you don't care. It's okay. I know what you're going through. I've been here." Yeah, I highly doubt that.
"Yeah, okay. Well, school is about to start, and I don't want to be late." I stood up and grabbed my backpack. I made my way to the door.
"Skylynn! We aren't finished!" She called.
"Yeah, well I am." I opened the door, and began my walk to school.

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