Mark of Cain? Ane doesn't approve.

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   An ear-piercing scream rang out at Camp Half-Blood. Needless to say, it scared the shit out of most of the population. They probably thought they were being attacked, again.

   They weren't. It was just Roes. You may be wondering why Roes was screaming. Probably because the grace that flowed through her veins is literally Azrael's. It probably burned like shit when she was murdered by her father. I was screaming too, that shit hurt.

   Seeing as it is not Azrael narrating this, you are probably wondering who is. 'Tis I, Ane. I was not a camp when this happened. I was working on another project with Mya, the other Archangels, and Camaria and Mar, two of Lucifer's other children that are only like three months old.

   The majority of you have most likely figured out why Rae isn't the one writing narrating this. If you haven't, you're fucking stupid. I'm sorry but I told you like two paragraphs ago.

   She's dead. Her father did kill her. That is also the exact moment Roes, Mya, and I felt like we were also dying. Her brothers just looked really shocked when it happened.

   Now, Mya and I, like normal people, did not plot the murder of God after that. Roes, however, did. I recall in a previous chapter my mother was comparing Roes and I, and she basically foreshadowed her death. I'll find it.

   "Say, if you presented them both with a choice. Someone you love dies while trying to kill someone else. They are killed by a person who wants the person the loved one was trying to kill to win. What would they do?

   Roes would kill both the person the loved one was trying to kill and the person who killed them. Ane would try and find them, but she wouldn't be as committed to it. Ane would be more of the type to mourn the loved one. She wouldn't try to get revenge." Yeah, fucking shoot me in the head.

   You want to know what's even worse? Amara had tried to convince Chuck not to destroy this universe. So, he locked her back in her cage. To do so, he had to give somebody the Mark of Cain.

   He said, Fuck permission. I'm just going to stick it on them.

   Who's them? Roes. Roes had the Mark of Cain. That's great. Now she had no self-control and really wants to kill God.

   It's, pftt. This is fine. It's fine. I swear I'm not going insane. Roes tried to stab a rock yesterday because she tripped over it, but it's fine. 

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