I entered the bunker, walking down the stairs past the map table. Through the door frame, I could see Sam and Dean talking at one of the wooden tables in the library. I ignored them, walking through the halls and into my room.

Just as I pulled on my pajama shirt, Jack opened the door. "Hi."

I chuckled, "Hi."

"Does your head feel better?" he asked, sitting on my bed. I sat next to him, shaking my head.

"Still concussed." He smiled, lying back on my bed as I pulled myself off it. I used the sink in my room to wash off my face. I did my skincare routine there as Jack watched like every other night. I smiled at him through the mirror as he stood up and came behind me.

"I'm sorry I didn't stop him. From hitting you, I mean." I turned around to face him, my face still dripping wet.

"No, don't be sorry," I told him, taking a washcloth and drying my face, avoiding the gash burning on my forehead. "You didn't know, it's not your fault." He fixed his gaze on the floor, still mulling it over in his head. I took a step towards him, my face direct with his chest. I looked up into his eyes and smiled, "I mean it."

He leaned down, meeting our lips together once again. I placed one hand on his chest, smiling into the kiss before reforming my lips with his. When he pulled away he looked back at me, pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear as it fell out of my bun. "I gotta finish," I said, turning around to look back in the mirror. I put a pump of moisturizer in my hand, slathering it on my face. Jack came closer to me. I reached behind me, grabbing each of his wrists and pulling them around me. He naturally rested his head on my shoulder, watching me in the mirror.

I hummed along as I brushed my teeth, flossed, and all of my other nighttime things, Jack just listened and watched, happy to be in my presence. "What song is it?" he asked.

I laughed, "Uhhhh, I don't know," I thought for a moment, looking up to the ceiling as if it would help me remember. "Oh, it was Lonesome No More."

"I don't know that one," Jack said swaying as I began to hum it again.

"You don't know a lot of them." I swayed with him, now wanting the song to actually play. "Hey Siri," I called to my phone sitting on the bed. The tone sounded, "Play Lonesome No More from my playlist."

Jack stared confused as my phone answered back, "Playing Lonesome No More from your playlist 'Chill.'"

"Who is that?" he asked as the guitar drifted through my Bluetooth speaker.

"Siri, she's on my phone, she does things for me." I sang along to the song as Jack just listened to it play.

"Well I know I'm hasty, but time is wasting baby I've gotta know. Oh if you hear what I'm saying, 'Cause darling I'll be waiting with no tears on the floor." I sang to him as he smiled at me.

All I wanted to do was stay with Jack forever, something about him just made me feel different. Not like Jason ever did. Jason never cared about me or my well being or my music even, but Jack was eager to know about me, something Jason couldn't repeat.

"I like this one," he whispered, looking into my eyes. I smiled lifting his hand and twirling under it, falling back into his chest and laughing. He caught me, laughing as well. I kissed his jaw, causing a red flush to come to his cheeks, making me giggle again.

I tugged his hand, pulling him to my bed. I turned on my lamp attempting to relieve the headache the fluorescent lights caused. The room settled into a lower light, as Jack and I plopped down on the bed. I immediately dug in my bedside drawer for my Advil. "I swear this is by far the worst concussion I've had."

Faded ( Jack Kline )Where stories live. Discover now