Adrenaline Rush

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Ayano POV:
            "I can't believe you were with him! You came to school together! People saw you! Ayano! He's dangerous! You definitely shouldn't be around people like him!" my freakishly annoying tsundere jellybean of a childhood friend said to me. He's been ranting on and on about how I needed to choose my friends more wisely ever since I arrived at school. What a drag...
-1 hour earlier-
            "I told you! I'm not getting on your death machine!" I exclaimed to Osoro. He groaned good-naturedly.
            "Look, the boys' school is canceled due to flooding, Kanto has to stay home today to fix the car. The only other mode of transportation is this. I've already told you that I have a license to ride these; I've even gone so far as to show you the license! Just hop on and we can go slowly up the street," He huffed out. I had been vehemently denying riding on said death machine for the past 20 minutes. Kanto, who was sitting behind me in a chair, occasionally chimed in with her incredibly unhelpful commentary.
            "Ayano! Quit being a pansy-ass and get on the damn bike!" she yelled at me, not taking her eyes off of the videogame she was playing. I rolled my eyes.
            "For the record, that is not a bike. That is an automobile with only two wheels, no walls, and no windshield. What if a duck or a goose hits us! We'd be killed!" I fret. I do feel a little wimpy about this, though. I'm a trained assassin. I'm used to dealing with pain, gore, blood, and many other things, and yet I won't get on the back of a bike with a perfectly licensed driver.
            I take a deep breath. It's already 7:45. If we don't hurry, we'll be late to school, and since I need to be at the hotel suite my mother reserved for me for the night before and of the fight, I can't get an after-school detention. Here goes literally nothing!
            Before I can say anything, an old man from across the street calls out to Osoro.
            "Are you trying to get that poor girl on the back of that motorcycle, young man?" he yells jokingly. Osoro smiles mischievously.
            "Oh, and as if you didn't do the same thing!" he says. I get the feeling that there's some alternate story going on between the two of them, but I don't speak arrogant teenage boy, so I'm a little lost.
            "He's got you there," an older woman stands behind the man and watches the scene. I take a deep breath as the man and Osoro continue to argue. It's funny to watch him like this.
            "Alright! We can go up the block once!" I exclaim. I run a hand down the uniform that Daichi fixed for me. He really is remarkably talented! You can't hardly see where the rips were, and the stains are completely gone! This definitely saves me some cash in buying another uniform.
            I'm so busy looking down that I don't notice what Osoro was doing.
            "Ayano! Time to go!" Osoro yells from behind me. I look up and walk over to Osoro, who's holding out a flashy red helmet.
            "And that's MY helmet, Aishi! You scratch it, you pay the price, got it?" Kanto yells at me. I can't tell if she's joking.
            "You have my word," I call out, laughing. I turn to Kanto and give an exaggerated bow.
            "Aw c'mon girl! You're killing the poor kid!" I hear the old man's voice ring out from behind me. Here's the thing, I'm incredibly flexible, and I can lay my hands flat on the ground without bending my knees. However, in the school skirt, doing that sometimes has... consequences.
            I stand up as quickly as possible and turn around to see a very flustered Osoro turned away from me, still holding out the helmet. I blush a little bit too.
            "Sorry," I say quietly. Osoro nods, while the man across the street is silenced from his roaring laughter by who I know presume to be his wife.
            I straddle the bike and wait for Osoro to get on the front. Once he does, I notice that he's put our school bags in the bags on the back of the bike. I start.
            "Osoro, why are our school bags he-" Osoro revs the bike and we speed away. I wrap my arms around his torso to keep from flying off the back of the bike. Osoro whoops excitedly.
            "Isn't this great?!" he yells over the wind as we speed down the road we drove up yesterday. It's less abandoned now, but you can see the damage the rain has done.
            "YOU'RE A DEAD MAN, SHIDESU!" I scream at him. He just laughs and goes faster, causing me to yell even more.

-after arrival at school, approx.. 30 minutes later. (traffic)-

            By the time we get to school, I'm slightly hoarse and ready to nail the speed-loving idiot in the junk. With a crowbar.
            "So? How was it?" he asks innocently. I punch him in the chest, probably a little harder than I should've but he doesn't seem to mind.
            After my heartbeat returns to normal and I take a few breaths, I realize what a rush that was. Who knew something so stupidly dangerous could be so exhilarating?
            "That was," I say. "SlightlyfunandImightbewillingtodothatagainbye," I mumble quickly. Osoro's eyebrows shoot up.
            "Did you say it was fun?" he pokes me in the arm. I fidget away. He follows me. "Because I think I heard you say it was fun!" he laughs and tickles my side. I'm not ticklish though, so I get him back. I know pressure points, so this should be easy! I jab quickly at his sides and then feather my fingers across his stomach and the sides of his chest. He howls and pushes my arms away. All was going well, and we were having a great time, until I saw the flash of orange hair, coming straight towards us.
            "Oh shit," I say. I disengage form the tickling battle as Osoro sees who's coming. He straightens up, and repositions his usual dangerous-looking smirk on his face.
            Before my tsundere friend even opened his mouth, I knew exactly what he was going to say.
-Present time (around 8:15 am)-
            "I just can't believe that you would willingly spend time with someone who you know to be a dangerous, cigarette-smoking... asshole!" Osano finishes. I've been waiting to tell him off since he began talking about Osoro, but this was the last straw.
            "HOW DARE YOU!" I turn around and yell at Osano, shoving him backwards with more strength than I should show in public. A small crowd watches what they think is sneakily from a distance. "You don't even take the time to get to know someone and yet you label them like you're so much better and like you're in charge of who people are. Listen up! He doesn't ask for your approval or acceptance. He straight up does what he wants! And that shows a hell of a lot more backbone than some spineless wimp like you!" Osano's orange eyes widen in shock and hurt. I'll probably regret blowing up at him, but right now I'm just too angry to care. I storm off, leaving the speechless ginger standing in the middle of a now not-so-sneaky crowd, holding two bentos and his school bag. I hadn't noticed the bentos before. Well, great. Now I feel like shit. I'm a fucking horrible person.
            I keep my head down, snarling and holding back tears as I enter the school. I quickly switch out my shoes and head for a vending machine to grab a snack before class. While on my way there, I notice a crowd of purple-haired, rose-wearing students gathered in the hall. It looks like they are watching someone attempt to fold a large piece of red fabric. It looks pretty heavy.
            I step up behind them, about to ask them to move when the fabric is thrown over me. I hear muffled exclamations and a few confused noises as I try to maneuver myself out of the fabric. I was right about it being heavy. Without looking suspicious, I can't lift it over my head. But unless I do that, I'll just get more and more stuck. I wiggle around, trying to find an edge when I knock into someone. Someone who is under the fabric. With me. And who, based on the absence of female organs normally located on the chest, I am now assuming is a boy. My face heats slightly as I try to push away from them. They are quite a bit taller, and the fabric on top of my head prevents them from seeing me and me from seeing them. I have no idea who is under here with me, but my main concern is if they are armed. A little light is let in, as the fabric isn't completely opaque, but it's enough for me to do a quick check to see if they have any weapons. They stumble forward, then back. The fabric wrapped around them pulls me to the ground with them. I hear laughter and jeering. This is definitely not my day. I can just imagine the rumors that will be going on after this.
            At least a benefit to being horizontal is that I know how to get out now. Bad thing, I'm currently laying on top of the other person who's in here. This could not get worse.

Kizano POV:
            That stupid girl, what was her name, Coconut-chan? The one a purple haired girl was always calling "Best friend"? I honestly don't care. All I know is that she drastically overestimated the sizing I would need for a new cape costume. And she used the wrong fabric, so this cape was heavy enough that I couldn't lift it without great effort.
            The, the coup-de-grace, she tried to help me try it on by throwing it over my head. EVERYONE knows that to properly put on a cape, one must wrap it around their neck. Provided the weight of said cape wouldn't strangle them!
            Then I heard the jeering. I could immediately tell something was up.
            "Hey Kizano, who've you got under there?" Musume's irritating, high-pitched voice sounded. God I hated that girl. It's ad enough she thinks she runs the school, her and her gang of annoying Bratz dolls and Trump spray tan, but they relentlessly harass my cousin, Honda Peresu! I grit my teeth in anger, and try to get out of here. When I move forward, I feel someone run into me. Someone who,  based on the female organs located on the chest, I am now assuming is a girl. This is bad, really bad.
            I stumble forward, feeling someone push me as they laugh. Must be one of Musume's friends. I fall forward, but manage to correct myself so I don't fall on top of the girl who's under here. Instead, I manage to fall backwards, pulling the girl with me. I land on the ground, but at least my head is now out of the cape. I gasp for air, my face beet red. I look over at the small crowd that has formed. Luckily, I don't see Ayano. I can just imagine her face if she saw me right now. She'd be so ashamed of me...
            "Hey Kizano, who's the lucky girl?" I hear an overly cheery voice sound out. I look over to see Aso coming into the hallway with a towel around his shoulders and his hair dripping wet. He smirks at me on the ground. "Aw, don't be shy man! It's all good!" he laughs. I wonder why he's being such a dick about this. I mean, we're friends and all, so the joking isn't exactly new, but what he's saying would be really hurtful to the girl.
            "Yo man, back off. That's out of line," Budo says. He nudges Aso in warning. Aso just turns the smirk on him. Some of the people begin to leave, including Musume's friends, but Musume stays. I imagine to get the scoop on the girl who's in the cape with me.
            I start to try to get the cape off of the mystery girl, but before I succeed, she manages to pop her head through the same hole mine is through, resulting in my face being less than 4 inches away from the raven-haired, grey-eyed girl who has drawn my fancy. Ayano Aishi. I was just under a cape for a solid 3 minutes with Ayano Aishi.
            She shakes her now disheveled hair out, and finally meets my eyes. Her cheeks are pink from exertion and embarrassment, which I imagine mine are too. She blushes even further and tries to get out of the cape. I look over at Aso as she does so. His face has gone pale. My turn to smirk at him.

Aso POV:
            I can't believe what I'm seeing. Ayano Aishi just popped out of the cape. This must've been a misunderstanding, right? No way she would actually like Kizano. He's overbearing, annoying and loud. And he treats people really badly. So what happened?!
            "Are you alright?" Kizano asks her. She nods her head. I step forward as Musume sneaks off. I better remember to tell her not to spread this around. That bitch would have all of Kizano's fan girls going after Ayano in seconds. That would not be good.
            "Ayano! What happened?" I ask. I take her arm to help her up, but after she looks at my face, she glares at me coldly and shrugs out of my grip.
            "I got caught under the cape. Why?" She asks monotonously. I exhale in relief. So it was an accident.
            "I was just hoping that you weren't..." I stop when I think of how that sentence would be received. Kizano seems to miss it, but Ayano's eyes flash in anger. God she's beautiful.
            "And if I was?" she asks me. Kizano looks up, surprised by her tone. I'm a little taken aback by it as well.
            "What?" I ask in confusion.
            "And if I was? If I was doing what you thought I was?" her face is pale, and she shows no sign of emotion except for the anger rolling out of her eyes. If she could shoot lasers, I would be fried chicken by now. I can't think of a way to answer without sounding like a jealous weirdo, so I play it cool.
            "Well, I guess it would be your loss," I say. I shrug it off and begin to walk to my locker. I wonder why she's so hostile to me. Something must've happened.
            I'm so engrossed in puzzling out why Ayano would be so angry with me that I don't see the angry orange-haired boy in front of my locker.
            "Aso, right?" he asks me. His frown looks slightly angry and hurt. Something definitely happened.
            "That's me. What do you need?" I say slowly.
            "You and I need to talk," He says. I nod and take a step forward. He continues. "I think Ayano spent the night with Osoro," He says blatantly. My stomach feels like a pit, and the blood leeches from my face. If it was anatomically possible, my jaw would be on the floor. "And I think he said something to her, because she's been acting different."
            Well if the whole "spending the night" thing wasn't enough, this certainly is. I know why she's being so hostile. And I now have a burning desire to kick some ass.
            "Meet me in the locker room at lunch." I say. He nods and walks off to class. I switch my shoes, silently fuming.
            That god damn, son of a monkey faced bitch. I'm going to kick his ass. He wants to bring up my past mistakes? Ha. He lives in a glass house, and he just gave me a boulder. I hope he got out in time.
            Eh, who am I kidding? I hope his whole world comes crashing down around him.

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