02. | 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝗼𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐢𝗼𝐫 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫.

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" alright guys stand together now. " my mother was taking pictures of me and soojin, it was our first day of senior year and my mom was exaggerating a bit with taking a whole photoshoot on our staircase. " alright mom me and soojin need to get going before we arrive late. " I say, i was praying we weren't going to get their late.

" right. Here are the keys. " she hands me the keys following me and my sister outside.   " and drive safely! Have a good day at school!! " she shouted making me and my sister roll our eyes playfully. " so you ready for senior year? " I ask turning on the car.

" kinda, it's just weird starting school in a new state knowing you won't be seeing your friends. Or boyfriend. " she sighed, " before you start having a breakdown about Minjun trust me, everything will go by quickly and once we turn 18 we can move back to Chicago again. " i reassured.

She looked down at her lap. " I hope so... " she whispered, I felt bad for my sister. She's been through a lot from just leaving her boyfriend, she was far from broken.

" I wish we were allowed to stay with Felix " she softly laughed. " me too. But we couldn't cause Felix is irresponsible. " I smiled, Felix was our older brother who was allowed to stay in Chicago since ' he's the oldest. '

We pleaded for days to our parents to let us stay in Chicago with him and of course they denied saying he has his own life to build and that he was really irresponsible and blah blah blah. " we are almost 18! " she laughed. " i know!! He's 21 and can't even cook for himself. " I grinned.

" are you ready? " we stood outside the building we would call our high school. " yeah. " soojin nodded, I grabbed her hand and we both entered the building. " holy shi- "


" alright lady's and gentlemen it is a pleasure to have you guys here,and since today is our first day of art I'll just let you free draw. And we will start tomorrow with art history." The teacher instructed.

me and my sister had the same classes together so we are currently in our first period.

" I can't draw..." my sister picked up a pencil and stared at the white piece of paper.
" me either soojin so just draw a stick figure. " i answered.

" what if I can't draw a stick figure hm? " soojin asked, she was right this poor girl couldn't even draw a simple line and circle, even if her life depended on it.

" I don't know!? draw a sun and a flower I guess... " she nodded and grabbed the yellow crayon scribbling a random circle. I was to busy doing a sketch that I didn't even notice a boy with beautiful brown locks walked over in my direction.

He dropped his bag and plopped himself right next to me. He squinted his eyes at me ti guess trying to see if I knew him. " do I know? " he asked, I shook my head " no. I, new here. " I say.

" ah well, I'm Kim Taehyung. And you are? " he put out his hand. " I'm Kim Seokjin. "
I grab it and lightly shake it, his hand was extremely cold considering we were in Los Angeles, In the summer. A damn vivid sun outside and above that it's over 90 degrees outside.

My sister turned around showing me the mess she calls a drawing, she noticed Taehyung because she started waving at him flashing him a smile. " um Kim Taehyung meet my twin sister? " I said before; " i can introduce myself, I'm Kim soojin. Seokjin's twin sister. " she interrupted, shaking his hand.

" ah well soojin, Seokjin I want you two to join me and my boyfriend in lunch today.
Is that fine? " Taehyung asked, he seemed like a very kind person and very humble. I looked at my sister who nodded as a response.

" sure " we both said in unison. " great! I'll see you both after 6th period. "


" are you sure this is the right place? " Taehyung told me and soojin to wait for him after sixth period, " yes I'm sure, he said to meet him in the east side exit. And it literally says right there that we are in fact in the correct spot. " I explain.

Before she can say anything else Taehyung runs over to us his car keys dangling from his hands. " come on! " he smiled. Me and soojin looked at each other before entering Taehyung's car and sat in the back in silence.

" sorry My boyfriend is taking long- " and with that the front car door opened and there entered, jeongguk? " sorry babe Chemistry teacher is an ass. " Taehyung's boyfriend who was jeongguk said before turning around and looked at me and soojin. " hey aren't you Namjoon's neighbor? " I nodded, " Seokjin, right? " he asked. " jeongguk? "

" yeah. Namjoon thinks your pretty- " jeongguk smiled making Taehyung's eyes widened. " shush! " he whispered making jeongguk shut up. " oh um what a small world we live in! "

Yeah, a small world.


I enjoyed writing this chapter! Love you guys! 💜

-author nim.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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