Chapter 1- a new start

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Twilight Sparkle's POV
"Are you ready girls?" I asked my friends. The watched my friends nod as we each planted a seed into the soil next to the tree house of harmony as we hoped everything will be fine, once we are gone, or even when my friends are gone. I hope that I will not lose them soon but I know that this is just a downside of being a princess but I won't be the only one that this will affect, I have already seen my parents go up above, my friends will mean just as much but it will have to happen it's a natural part of life I will make new friends but it will never be the same, I will just watch everyone I come to know die out beyond me.
End of POV

When twilight got home to Canterlot she couldn't help thinking about the future as she was confronted by her dear wife Rainbow Dash. "Babe, I will always be with you, just never forget me and I'll stay in your heart" Rainbow Dash said. Twilight wiped her tears away and nuzzled her loving Mare. They looked out of the window towards the sun as twilight raised the moon and made a bright orange sunset using the Amulet Of The Day And Night. The 2 Mares went to bed awaiting the morning future. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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