Not an update sorry

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Okay so I won't lie I wanted to have Friend done by October, but I've had horrible writers block since the last part. And I've wrote and rewrote the next part 8 times and it's just not turning out how I want it too. It's either making no sense or just seems like I stopped caring and just rushing it, and that's the last thing I want for this booklet. I feel like Friend has come a long way from what I originally had plan for it, and y'all deserve a part that doesn't look like I did it in 10 minutes, and who knows here in the next few days I might actually get my brain to cooperate with me (I might have to bang my head on a table/wall a few times for it to work lol). But on the plus side I do have the last few parts after this one pretty much down to what I want so hopefully after this headache of a part is done I can get the rest done within a week or 2. Fingers crossed lol. Anyway thanks for being patient y'all. And I really am sorry.

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