It's okay to be gay.

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My name's Elizabeth but everyone calls me Lizzie. My mum named me after Queen Liz I. She was the "nerd" when she was in school and Elizabeth I was her favourite Queen. I wouldn't blame her, I mean she was a really good one. The best this country has ever had.

Anyway I'm getting away from the point. Sorry. I'm 15. Gonna be 16 in 5 months. Life's fine. I have friends. Actually I HAD friends. But I don't dwell on the past. So what else do you want to know? Sorry about this I'm really bad at introductions. Well for a start if you're reading this then I hate you because you've found my diary. My diary is private. Well it is meant to be. I have many diaries but this one will contain the biggest thing that has happened in my life so far.

So back to my mum. I love talking about her. I love her. She's amazing. If you didn't know my mum raised me up as a single parent. She's still single today. I was born when she was 20. My dad and her had been going out for a year. Mum doesn't say his name. Just calls him "the player". Mind you he was and maybe still is a player. Before mum could tell him the news of her being pregnant he had already cheated on her so my mum dumped him. I would too. So yeah my dad doesn't know I exist and to be honest I don't care.

Sorry side tracked again. Well I'm moving away from the point on purpose really. Because I'm scared. I'm scared that once I tell you the truth you'll judge me like everyone else. Only one person doesn't judge me. We're really good friends. But she doesn't judge me because she's exactly the same. But she didn't come into my life til later. Much later. For 6 months or so I was alone. It all started 2 months after my 15th Birthday. I did something stupid. Something which made it obvious what I was. Something which revealed the secret I had kept for months. My so called best friend was the first to find out. She was with me when the mistake happened. I thought she'd understand but no, she's a bitch. She told everyone. No one would come near me. Everyone called me names and made fun out of me. I would go home crying. Mum would ask me what's wrong and I'd tell her the truth, that people were bullying me but whenever she asked why I'd shrug. I knew why, course I did but I was scared to tell mum. I thought she'd judge me like the rest of them.

Anyways, so after 6 months of torture this new girl came to our school. She was really pretty, beautiful in fact. Everyone suspected she'd hang out with the populars. The boys all stared at her like she was a piece of meat drooling. But she didn't. She walked over and sat next to me. Then one girl commented "Don't sit next to her, she'll come onto you!" I gulped. The one chance of having a friend had been blown. Yes I'm homosexual. I prefer girls instead of guys. Back to the story- She didn't care. She shrugged her shoulders, turned towards me and smiled. I felt a smile appear on my own face. My first real smile after 6 months. She too is a lesbian, but she was proud and didn't care what other people thought unlike me.

So she taught me. Taught me that I'm normal. And that it doesn't matter what gender I prefer. Most of all she taught me that it's okay to be gay.

P.S.- Forget what I wrote before. This diary, I'll let anyone read it. Post it online in fact. So anyone that is like me can relate. Remember it's okay to be gay.

A/N- This may seem like a detailed intro but there is a lot more to it so don't think that's the whole story in one chapter. Oh and this is a fictional story, it's NOT based on a true story.

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