chapter 1

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"Come on guys! We just need to get through this lake!" I said enthusiastically


Mike P.O.V

I have watched all episodes of the lion guard. Since im too bored, i picked a random episode and watched it then i feel dizzy, then a few moments later, i fell unconscious


Fuli P.O.V

"Umm guys...i think im..." Kion said before he fell unconscious "Kion !" I said before rushing into him.
"Makini! Can you check on Kion?"
"Sure Fuli!" Makini said

A few moments later

Mike P.O.V

I grunts and slowly opens my eyes, i watches my surrounding. That's when i whispers "I'm in lion guard world?" It's so quite that not even Makini noticed
"Oh guys! Kion is awake!" Makini said
I grunts as i tried to get up
"Are you ok Kion?" Fuli said worryingly
"I'm fine Fuli" I said. i said it calmly to not raise suspicion as the real Kion is not in control anymore. Who knows, maybe the real Kion is in my body

As i walked a little longer i noticed the lake and suggest we walked around it. That's when Bunga jumps into the lake and noticed it was cold. Of course i expected it and then suggest we go into the lake. Halfway into the next Moja kwa Moja stone, the lake breaks and i ordered to move to the land, since i already know what will happen, i rushed into Makini before she falls into the lake, which also saves her staff. She thanked me and we moves again.

Makini taps the Moja Kwa Moja stone and it shows the tree of life. Of course since i knew that running will alert Ullu (the snow owl) i decided to walk...jogging to be exact. As we getting near the mountain pass, Bunga notices a bee hive and decided to climb into the wall. I tried to stop him but he is stubborn and keeps climbing....and caused a rock slide.

"Really Bunga ! Can't you just hold your taste for honey?!" I shouted as my Venom starts to impact me. But i quickly realized what's happening and shook my head "Makini? I think i need the Tuliza" "Sure Kion!" Makini said before giving me Tuliza. As i chewed it, i feel kinda disgusted because i never eat Flower of any kind, however, Kion body decided to not shows any disgust "Now. Let's get Bunga free first"

Rani P.O.V

"That...wasn't here before" Ullu said after seeing the  rockslide blocking the entrace "we'll take it from here, thanks Ullu" "Always happy to help" Ullu said before hooting and flies off

I heard a voice says "now let's get bunga free first" I didn't recognize the voice, neither Baliyo, Surak and Nirmala "Ullu right, i don't recognize these voices" I said. I heard another voice again "ooh i can't wait to see Queen Janna again !" I was dumbstruck to know that one of them knows my grandmother "well. Since one of them knows Queen Janna, why don't we try to negotiate them?" Nirmala suggest. "Hmm great idea Nirmala, what about you Surak?" I asked "I agree with Nirmala, although we need to be careful and always be on guard" Surak said giving his opinion "well suggest it is"

(From now on, Mike will be called Kion)

Kion P.O.V

As i struggled to free Bunga from the rockslide, i heard a animals coming, i already knew it's The Night Pride. I looked up and saw Rani and the others, now i know why Kion likes Rani
"Rani? Is that you?!" Makini said,excited as usual
"Makini?" Rani said "now that explain why one of them knows Queen Janna" Rani mumbled
"Well...we're sorry to cause the rockslide...which is caused by Bunga" I glared at him
"Ummm...Whoops?" Bunga said with a innocent smile
"Anyways. Our friend here, Kion and Ono needs healing, Ono breathed too much volcano fog, and Kion is bitted by a Cobra" Fuli explained the situation
"Ok. Well follow me" Rani said

To be Continued

Lion Guard: inside Kion bodyWhere stories live. Discover now