Chapter 3

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So im back and sorry im just super lazy welp its out here you can read it now

Peter came into work the next day and grabbed some more food before...He even talked to Wade was amazing he sounded a bit like dead pool as if...maybe.

"Hey kid"

Tony has been standing there for five minutes waving his hand in front of Peter as Peter was thinking about Wade

"Haha sorry, Mr Stark it's just...haha"

Then Peter started thinking about Wade's eyes....again

Tony knew that laugh... it was the same laugh he's had for Strange.

"Who is it? Who got the heart of the lovely Peter?"

Peter's face went all red and Tony laughed

"I'm kidding, come on let's get to the lab"

And for 3 hours straight they worked in the lab non-stop, It would've been more but Peter had to go.

When Peter left Tony did more research on May and found that the 'meetings' that May had booked happen monthly and always disguised as a check-up for Peter, a whole week was taken off for a 'holiday' where May went to the same town as where the 'meetings' took place....Fuck

Tony immediately called Strange

"Hey Strange you know the kid, yeah he is the best but there's something-no not him but his aunt, here is what I found, what the fuck do I do I wanna help the kid out-hu, yep-THATS AMAZING THIS IS WHY WE ARE MARRIED-love you to bye"

Tony had a plan, all he needed is evidence....or Mays signature and a memory gun.

———————4 Months later———————

Soon they fell into a sort of pattern, they had a sort of link and soon Tony was 4 weeks ahead of his schedule.

In that time Tony had started to have a fatherly feeling for the kid and even hated May even more, even if she wasn't hurting him she was between Tony adopting Peter.

"Me Stark it's 3 I got to go"

Peter and Tony did both not want to leave so Tony had an amazing idea.

"Hello...yes May? Yep I ok well could he stay over....what no.....thank you"

Peter was confused until he got a text

'so Tony just called me about having you stay over he's just doing it because he pities you always remember your nothing love May'

Tears were starting to come out of Peter's eyes

Peter POV

'No no stop it for 12 years you have kept it in ok but what May saying it rig-'


Tony was looking at my phone

"I think I know what's going on and I will do everything in my power to help, please pass me the phone"

No One's POV

Peter started to panic

"I don't know Mr Star..k it's the wrong number I think I ne..ed to get"

Peter was struggling to get the most simple sentence out and Tony remembered the dates where May and Peter were on 'holiday'

"What happen on the 10th to the 16th of September Peter?"

The Peter blacked out...

From a small device in his ear that sent an electric shock, Tony quickly hooked him up on a machine and found that that electric shock directly affected his brain. It erased 4 months of memory....almost

if Tony's maths is right (which it always is) then the first day they meant was still there and Peter could remember blurs of things

"Mr Sta...Stark s—he ..c-aaa-n he-AHHHHH"

His body erupted in another shock as he tried to talk to Tony. Tony knew what type of device it is and knew how to get it out....just knew to do it here was the worse thing possible.

When the device is taken it tracks the location where it is and a bunch of hydra people would come. Tony knew where to go and who to call

"Strange come here now we need a portal to somewhere like really cold or hot where it's not near people- Yes that place come now"

Tony looked over to Peter and saw him writing something

'May Can Hear Us'

Then Strange came in.

Im sorry for not updating i hope you guys like it, if you have ideas i would love to hear it.

Pinky Out 


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