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Mikoto's eyes frantically darted around as he walked to homeroom. He jumped as he felt someone touch him.

"Hey, you okay? You didn't answer my calls or texts yesterday." a voice said from behind him.

Mikoto kept his distance as they walked to homeroom. He never gave them an answer.

"Miko, is something wrong...?" they asked, reaching out to touch him only to have their hand slapped. "Miko..."

Mikoto took off, bypassing the staircase that led to his second floor homeroom. He locked himself in a bathroom stall as tears heavily escaped his eyes. His body shook as memories swirled around in his mind, making him sick to his stomach. He puked into the toilet a few times before feeling slightly better. He pressed on the handle then sank down to the floor.

He should've stayed home. Why did he convince himself he could manage to get through the school day? How did he do it? His mother was willing to let him stay home. He pulled his legs closer to his chest as the waterworks started once more. He couldn't do it. He needed to go home.

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Reisi checked his watch and saw that it was well past the time his parents both had left. He left his seat on the park bench and headed home. He was well aware of the lecture he'd get when his parents found out, but he didn't care. He was tired of being a model student. He was tired of doing things his parents expected of him.

Reisi unlocked the front door then headed to his bedroom, swapped out his book bag and uniform for a more casual dress. He moved to the bathroom and carefully put in contacts in exchange for his glasses. He blinked a few times, making sure they were in their proper place.

Reisi locked the front door then checked the time. First period was starting. He cheerfully made his way down the steps and decided to do anything and everything he wanted while he had the time.

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His eyes widened as he happened to pass by someone winning something in a crane game. He still believed it to be rigged. He quietly slipped on his iced coffee as he kept walking, wondering what to do next. He couldn't go very far due to low transportation funds, but the area he lived in was decent enough that he didn't have to leave. He would've preferred to though.

Reisi found himself standing on a bridge, looking out towards the big body of water. Maybe he should've gone to school and he probably wouldn't feel so bored.

"Hey, shouldn't you be in school?" a voice asked from beside him.

"What's it to you, old man?" Reisi sneered.

"It may not seem like it now, but your education will be vital in your adult days." said the older man. "Take a good look at me."

Reisi eyed the man up and down, taking in his basic outfit which consisted of a jacket, a white tee, sweats and sneakers. It wasn't all that impressive.

"And? What are you trying to say, old guy?" asked Reisi, clearly disliking the situation.

"Take full advantage of what you've got going for you. You're going to need it. I'm sure you can still get into school despite being late." said the man before waving goodbye and leaving.

Reisi sucked his teeth. He didn't like being told what to do, especially by a stranger. All it did was make him want to stay out more. But he had to admit, he was lonely.

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Mikoto quietly lied in bed in complete silence. He soon got up, the thought of being in a bed in a room in a home making him uneasy. He left his room and his mother noticed him walk past and head towards the front door.

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