~Chapter 5~

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Izuku sat awake, staring at the ceiling above him. At his side, he heard Kacchan's gentle snores. He let out a soft sigh.

Did I forgive him too quicky?

Izuku looked at the blonde beside him. Though he knew he loved him, he also knew that deep down, somewhere, the blonde still loved Kirishima. Red Riot. Eijiro.

And he knew that he couldn't keep this game up. That Kacchan and him wouldn't last if this kept happening. No, him and Kacchan wouldn't last. There was nothing else to it. His heart truly belonged to Kiri, and Izuku should've known better than to believe that he was anything more than some...than some rebound.

But he married me.

Izuku groaned softly, realizing they weren't just teenagers anymore. They're adults, full grown adults. Kacchan obviously wanted him, they're married.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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