Chapter 2

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"Mal baby wake up the kids are gonna be here soon" Ben said kissing my head I opened my eyes and he was fully dressed "Come on get dressed and we'll go eat and meet with the others and then we will go to the front of the school and greet the new kids" I nodded and got up got dressed and followed Ben out the room

*Front of the school*

"You ready" Ben said looking at me as the limo pulled up "Sure" he smiled Celia and dizzy ran out and hugged me and Evie Ben smiled then Harry walked out "Hey Mal" "Hey Harry" he hugged me and the last person walked out "Hey Mom" Hannah said everyone was shocked but the Vk's "Wait Mal you have a daughter and you never told me" Ben said at least he wasn't yelling I guess "Because I never thought I'd see her again" I hugged her "I missed you mom" "I missed you too" "Mal you could have told me and she could've come her a lot sooner" Ben said walking up "But I didn't want anyone to know I'm sorry Hannah but it's true I was very young when I had you I didn't want anyone to hate me for it" "No one hates you Mal" Harry said "But your family does" "That's my family not everyone" "Ok well um I'll show you your rooms" I said walking up to Evie "Are you okay" "Yeah perfectly fine" after we showed everyone their dorms Evie took me to her house(starter castle) "Why did Ben invite her" "I don't know he said he wanted to invite someone else but Harry wouldn't go if Hannah didn't so he had no choice but like why couldn't he just choose someone else and not bring Harry" "Hey Mal it's okay now you can see your daughter you missed her didn't you" "Of course I did it's just I'm not ready for her to come back E I'm pregnant" "What" "I'm pregnant I found out a few weeks ago" "M this is amazing did you tell Ben" I shook my head "Why not Mal he's your husband" "I know but I'm just scared what if he doesn't want this baby" "Mal you saw how he reacted with Hannah Mal he will be happy tell him" I nodded "Okay I'll tell him" she nodded and I went to the castle "Mal there you are come on Harry and Hannah are in the dining room they wanna talk to you I'm not allowed to be there but I'll be in my office" I nodded "I need to talk to you later okay" "Yeah sure Wait have you been crying Mal" he asked "Yeah but it's okay Ben" "No it's not tell me what's wrong" "I will later okay" he was hesitant but he nodded and I went to the dining room "Mom I want you and dad back together" Hannah said as soon as I walked in "No" is all I said "Why not Mal" Harry said standing up and going next to Hannah "Because I'm happy with Ben he's my husband" "But mom we can be a family together" "I am already having a family with Ben" "What do you mean Mal" "I know you shouldn't know before Ben but I'm pregnant with his child now if you don't leave this alone I will have you both sent back to the isle and have Ben choose two new Vk's to come to Auradon" Harry looked down and Hannah was mad "Mom I haven't seen you in like forever yeah I've seen you on TV but (Uma and Mal aren't friends) it's different and now your pushing me away" "Your 14 years old your not a little kid anymore I don't need to be by your side every step of the way I get it I wasn't a good mom and then I left but that's all because your dad couldn't understand the reason of I'm breaking up with you" "Mom" "No go back to your dorm and stay away from me I was a bad mom on the isle so I'll be a bad mom here" she started crying I left the room and went to bens office "Hey Mal you okay" Ben said looking up from his work "Yeah I'm fine why do you ask" "Your eyes" he said and I went to a mirror and they were glowing I calmed down and it stopped glowing "What happened" he said pulling me on his lap "Hannah wants me and Harry to get back together but I told her no and  other things were said" "Ok well can you tell me why you were crying when you came home" "Yeah um Ben I'm pregnant" "Wait really" I nodded and he smiled and kissed me "Mal I have always wanted a family with you I'm really happy aren't you" "Yeah but with Hannah being here it reminded me of how bad of a mother I was" "Hey you didn't know what Love was then but you do know maybe you can have Hannah stay here if she wants and you can make up and you can be a better mom for her" I nodded and we kissed and went to bed

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