"Kara, keep up." I shouted behind me, the fire alarm almost drowning me and the snarling out... almost.

The group that was ahead kept widening the distance between us, making it harder for me to know which way to go; I couldn't blame them for leaving Kara and I though... we all wanted to live. Those things were fast, but they stumbled a lot and that worked in our favor. Not only was I trying to save myself, but I was going to save Kara as well.

We made a sharp right around a corner heading towards D Hall for the freshman. Nothing looked as it had this morning; blood and soot smeared the walls, walls that were cracked and breaking away, huge slabs of concrete littered the halls as classroom blazed and smoldering pieces of paper hanging from the walls lit our way. The school was a wasteland now...

Angry growls echoed from behind us. I didn't dare glance back to see what had them so upset, but I could chance a look at Kara. Peaking back, I almost stumbled noticing how far Kara had fallen behind and how long it had taken me to notice. If I didn't move her faster, she was going to die, and I couldn't let that happen... not to Kara.

Seeing that I had finally noticed her she called out to me. "Fare, I can't breathe. I need my inhaler."

Kara wheezed as she tried short gasps of air that soon turned into coughing fits. Her inhaler was in my bag and we didn't have time for her to stop and use it. I just needed her to make it to the exit point. Once the army had us, she could use the damn thing until it was empty... but right now I needed her to push through.

I jogged back a little way and grabbed her hand plugging it with me as I shot off and spoke. "We don't have time for you to stop and use the inhaler Kara... hell, we don't even have the time to grab it from my bag."

A coughing fit raked her body causing her to almost break free of my grip. "Fare, just go."

Ignoring her words, I checked behind her. Even though I had picked up our pace those things were still gaining on us. I had to do something and fast; the only thing I could do was run but I couldn't run for both of us...

"Kara, get on my back. Now!"

I didn't even stop to give her the chance; I threw her onto my back and pushed myself as hard as I could. Her legs locked around my slim waist and she wove her hands through the loops of the backpack on my shoulders; she was secured.

In three minutes, I was able to see the group ahead of us. Some were ushering others down the school's laundry chute and the stragglers, like Kara and I, were still making their way. There wasn't a huge distance between us and them, but I knew what was behind me and we were going to survive. I mustered up whatever strength I had left and pushed myself as fast as I could. I gave it everything I had because the end result meant rest and safety for Kara and me.

"Almost there Kara. Stay with me okay? Just focus on breathing," I said in short bursts. Her head nodded and as she tried to get her breathing under control.

A loud crash sounded from somewhere below and the floor began to rumble and shake. I instantly stumbled, throwing both Kara and I into the lockers. Kara screamed as the burning metal of the locker seared her flesh. I unwrapped her from around me and checked her.

It was her left shoulder. It was already beginning to boil and blister, the swollen irritated skin screamed and oozed blood. The heat had fused her melted clothing to her skin, making it even harder to care for...

"Faryn, we don't have time for this. Let's go," she wheezed out in pain.

I nodded in agreement and stood, reaching my hand out to pull Kara up as well. After a slow and obviously painful attempt to stand Kara made it to her feet. There was smoke and debris everywhere, I couldn't tell which way we had come or which way we should go... one wrong decision and we were dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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