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"Did you really think I'd let you starve?"

"Jinyoungie, w-what are you-"
"You're allowed to have friends over, right?" Jinyoung cuts off my stuttering whilst I stand there still shocked at his sudden appearance.

"Well, yeah but-"
"Great that's all that matters." He smiles, walking in with the food and setting it down on the table in the lounge and beginning to take out the food.

After a few minutes, Jaebum walks to the living room, presumably already finished with his food & stops when he sees Jinyoung.

"Oh, uh, hi." Jinyoung greets awkwardly with a wave when he sees him. Jaebum simply stands there glancing between the two of us a couple of times.

"I hope you don't mind, I brought Youngjae dinner & technically this isn't food from your house so I don't see why it should be a problem-"

I cut Jinyoung off with a pinch in the side signalling for him to shut the fuck up.

"Oh um, Mr Im, this is Park Jinyoung." I introduce, though he simply looks into my eyes for a few seconds before tearing away.

"Whatever." He mumbles before walking up the stairs without a care.

"Mr Im?" Jinyoung asks after Jaebum leaves, though I don't reply, too busy digging into the much needed food to which he chuckles.

I look up at him, my mouth full,
"What else would I call him? I'm his maid after all."


I had set out breakfast as per usual, except this time Jaebum would actually eat it.

But oddly, there was no movement upstairs.

Jaebum doesn't usually wake up this late, but I brush it off thinking he may have just had a late night.

But after a while of waiting, I finally went up to his room, but just as I was about to enter, I remembered.

"Number 2, do not ever enter my room, not even to clean it. I don't like having strangers in there."

I sigh, looking at the line in front of me which was like a barrier between me and his room. I tried to knock on his door at first, but that had no effect.

I tried knocking harder. Still nothing. Then I called out his name a couple times, to which he only turned to the side - facing away from the door.

I looked at his phone beside him, realising that he had forgot to plug in the charger so his phone was dead which is probably why his alarm didn't go off.

& also why I'm in this position right now.

I looked at the clock, we were both going to be late if he didn't wake up now.

I took a deep breath, before mustering my courage & entering the forbidden land.

I stood beside Jaebum's bed, hesitantly reaching out my hand, watching as his broad back & shoulders face me.

My hands ghosted above his shoulders, scared to wake him up, Though before I could even touch him, he rolled over in his sleep, turning to face me & grabbed my hand which took me by surprise.

But what happened after that startled me even more. He suddenly pulled me in, making me yelp as I fell on the bed and was pulled harshly into his arms.

I felt as though the breath had been knocked out of my lungs as I lay there in his arms motionlessly.

I look up, my heart beat accelerating with every second that passed by. His face was directly hovering above mine, our noses almost brushing & his soft breaths hitting my face gently.

His face seemed even more angelic up close, something I didn't think was possible.

My cheeks began to burn even more when he pulled me in tighter, his arms laced around my waist as he clutched me protectively.

I snap out of it, realising we really were going to be late & tried yet again to wake him up. Tapping him on the shoulder gently at first & getting harsher with every time he stirred.

But every time he stirred, my heart also sank, thinking about what he'd do to me if he founds out not only that I entered his room, but somehow ended up in his arms.

All of a sudden, his eyes slowly open, he squints his eyes in an attempt to make out the image before him.

He quickly shot up once he realised it was me. "Yah, what are you trying to do to me?!" He yelled and looked me up and down as though I was a pervert.

I looked at him in shock, "Mr. Im you were the one who pulled me in!" I yell but immediately regret it when an awkward silence falls over for a few seconds before he clears his throat.

"Anyways, why were you even here?" He asks, his eyes darkening as he stood up to meet me though he was still looking down at me slightly

"Sir, you weren't waking up and you were gonna be late so-"

"That's not an excuse." He growled lowly making me shiver, "Remind me Youngjae. What was rule number 2?"

"To not ever enter your room." I whisper, head down and avoiding eye contact. "Not even to clean it. You don't like having strangers in here."

All of a sudden, I feel a large hand on my face, pulling it up.

"& now you're breaking another rule too." He tuts. "It's just 4 rules Youngjae, it's not that hard."

He pulls my face in closer to his, his right hand still firmly grasping my chin. He brings his mouth to my ear, his hot breath fanning my earlobe and making me shiver.

If my cheeks were burning before, than they were on fire right now. I'm sure I looked like a bright tomato but I could barely breathe let alone do anything about it.

"Tell me something Youngjae." He whispers, the sound of his low morning voice sending goosebumps everywhere. He pauses, his teeth grazing my earlobe agonisingly slowly - a whimper caught in my throat.

"Does baby boy like breaking my rules?"

sorry for not updating, i've been slumped with exams & school work but i finally have a week off now so expect more updates coming your way;)

- naz <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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