Getting Rid of The Wrong People

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Hi, I'm Stephen, the silly whacky and crazy person of our times, only today I won't be any of that, since today I want to talk about something that I have a strong opinion on. I want to talk about why you should get rid of people who hurt you.

Now that may seem obvious, but I've known many people in my life who are (or were) friends with, or even dating someone who really hurt them, and I always wondered, why?

Now from my understanding, people will keep people who hurt them because they can also make them happy, but to me it's just not worth being happy if It means that you're going to get really sad, too.

Now I have had friends who did make me really happy, but they also made me really sad and it took me an entire year to realise that I was never going to be truly happy, unless I got rid of them.

One day they did something that upset me for days, and that's when I decided that enough was enough, and so I dropped them.

Let me tell you that they did make me really happy at times, but once I got rid of them, I actually felt more happy than I had ever been.

I stopped getting upset as much, and overall I just lived a much happier life, and I did that without them.

See, if a friend (or someone you're dating) hurts you over and over again, then do they really care?

They might promise that they'll change and that they'll be better, but more times than not, they won't change, and they'll stay the way they are and keep hurting you.

So tell me, if they keep hurting you and show no sign of change, then why keep them in your life?

Trust me when I say that the best thing that you can do with those types of people, is to get rid of them.

Don't let anyone hurt you, because real friends wouldn't hurt you over and over again.

Real friends would go out of their way to make sure that you are happy, and that no one ever hurts you.

If someone upsets you and you tell them why you're upset, and they get mad at YOU, then it really just shows that they only really care about themselves in that situation.

Real friends won't look at the smallest flaws that you have and just completely complain about them.

Real friends are the ones who won't really care about any of your small flaws, because they like you for who you are. They'll either look past your small flaws, or they'll have a casual and kind conversation about it, so that you can maybe improve on it. They'll do that because they actually care.

If friends (or someone you're dating) complains at you, just because you miss them and want to see them, then it kind of shows that they just don't miss you as much.

Friends should want to see you and do things with you, and they should try and be apart of your life whenever they can. They should want you to be around.

Another thing is if a friend (or someone you're dating) constantly lies to you, then you shouldn't trust them anymore, and really, they shouldn't even be in your life anymore.

People who lie will do it just so that they can get whatever they want.

Friends should want to be there for you whenever they can, and they should want to comfort you when you're sad, because if they don't, then they either don't know that you're sad, or they just don't care.

Obviously there's some cases where people have good excuses for not being able to be their for you, but if that is the case, then they should at least be honest about it.

My point is that when it comes to having friends (and being in relationships) it can be hard to know what ones are good, and what ones aren't, but I mean it when I say it, people who hurt you over and over again don't deserve you in their life, and you should really just get rid of them before they hurt you more.

Believe me when I say that once I got rid of the friends who hurt me, my life got instantly better.

Either way, I've been Stephen, and I hope that you can realise who the right and wrong people are.

I also hope that you can get rid of the people who hurt you, and I hope that you can find better people, because honestly, people who you consider as close shouldn't hurt you under any circumstances.

They shouldn't lie to you. They shouldn't get mad at you just because you miss them and want to talk to them, or even see them. They shouldn't complain at you for something little, because that shows that they just want an excuse to be mad at you, and that they don't care as much as it seems.

They should also not get mad at you if THEY do something that upsets you, and you try to talk to them about it.

Just overall, people who hurt you (whether it be someone you're dating or your friends) aren't worth your time, so I hope that I can help at least one person realise who their real friends are, and what ones are bad for their mental health.

I just hope that they won't let anyone else that they consider close hurt them, and I just hope I can make some sort of a difference.

Either way, I think I've said everything that I needed to say, so I am out. Toodles

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