I see mom covered in black ashes. "Mom, are you okay?!?!" " Yeah I'm fine.", she said. "What happened?" I run into the house, well whats left of it. Our furniture, the rooms, the food, the secret stash of money we kept, all gone. The most important thing, the pictures. The pictures we had of dad. Those were the last ones. As the policemen and firefighters leave, we just sit down on the sidewalk." What are we going to do now mom?". " I don't know", she said. While alex overthere was still strumming his ukulele, we drive to the nearest motel. "Room for three please.", mom said. "And how many nights will that be?" The man asked. "I guess, forever." said mom. "NO! We are not going to live in this 1 star motel with no free breakfast. I am going to raise money to buy us a house!" Alex promoted. "But, sweetie how are you going to that?" She questioned. "You'll see." Alex said........
To be continued.....