Chapter 육

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Yoongi's POV

I went out of the school to go home and as I was walking to the bus stop I noticed Taehyung also at the stop. I decided to talk to him because I have nothing else to do.

"Yah Taehyung!" I called after the latter.

"Hi Yoongi hyung" He responded bouncing in my direction.

I haven't ever mentioned Jungkook directly at Taehyung but I know about his little crush on the maknae. The bus finally arrived and we boarded it.

"So...what you think about the new kid" Taehyung asked me raising his eyebrow teasingly. Dammit he beat me to it.

"Um he's nice and lovely and cute and beautiful and-why are giving me that look?!" I was totally not flustered beyond hell right now.

"Nothin juuuuust sounds like someone has a crush on the new kid~" He sang.

"Yah! You cannot talk. I see how you look at Jungkook" Look who's winning now.

"What you mean?" Taehyung asked with a weird face.

"Mmmmm nothin cough cough Jungkook cough cough" I smiled innocently while Taehyung choked on his water he was drinking.

"What do you mean *cough" He said trying to get himself back together.

"Oh come on you know what I'm talking about" I said with my hand on my hip.

"Ugh fine I may like him a lit-"

"COUGH COUGH COUGH" I cut Taehyung off.

"Okay! Okay! Fine I like him a lot" Taehyung confessed.

"Okay well now it's your turn to explain your feelings on Jimin" Taehyung raised his eyebrows at me.

"Um well..." I stalled for a couple seconds.

"I think...this is my stop! Annyeong~" I sang and got up to exit the bus.

"Yoongi hyung! You grandpa!" Taehyung yelled after me then he got up and followed me.

Once we got off the bus he ran after me.

"Yah! Hyungggg that's not nice" He whined and jumped on my back.

"You do notice that you are way taller and bigger than me so I can barely do this oh and also you can't come to my house" I informed him.

"Oh yes I can. I do what I want" He sassed back.

"Fucking brat" I muttered and he laughed.

"You know you love me~" He sang.

"Oh here we go again"

"You know you care~"

"Ugh I wanna die"

"So shout whenev-"

"Okay okay fine I do love you" I said rolling my eyes.

"Yay!" He yelled and clung onto me the rest of the way home. Once we got to my front door he jumped off and acted normal again.

"Yoongi sweety you're home and oh hi Taehyung honey how are you?" My mom came in and greeted both of us.

"I'm good Miss Kang" Taehyung smiled at my mom. (women in korea dont change their surname)

We walked up to my room to keep talking about our crushes.

"Hey we should play truth or dare mature version" Taehyung suggested.

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