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The one word that flashed on repeat inside of his brain.


Schlatt panted as he pushed past the tall grasses and flowers, clutching onto his nearly broken wooden sword for comfort. The moon shone above him as he slashed at the passing zombies and skeletons. He nearly dodged an arrow before tripping and falling on his face. Scrambling up, he wiped the dirt away and continued to run. The trees were dense and Schlatt's heart was beating out of his chest. He swiped at a zombie, only to freeze in horror at the sound of the sword snapping in half. He threw the broken blade to the floor and took a sharp left to try and confuse the mobs chasing after him only to screech to a halt when he was found face to face with a green beast. He shrieked in horror as the creature hissed and began to expand at an alarming rate. The explosion that followed had killed the mobs chasing after Schlatt, but had also sent him flying back and into a small ditch, the impact of landing on the cold stone knocking him out instantly.


Schlatt was jolted awake by a strange chiming sound. His eyes shot open. He was still in the forest from last night. The chiming in his ear got louder and Schlatt recoiled before focusing his eyes on a figure moving above him. Oh, that's what the noise was. The figure was speaking to him, quietly but Schlatt could tell they were concerned by the octave of their voice. He tried to focus on what they were saying.

"...you alright there pal?"

Schlatt groaned as a response and the figure shuffled back to give him some space. Schlatt sat up with a grunt and hissed in pain at the throbbing in the back of his head. Fuck, he hoped he didn't have a concussion. The figure, presumably male gave out his hand to help Schlatt up. Schlatt ignored the gesture, hoisting his sore body up and standing shakily. Less disoriented, Schlatt got a good look at the man hovering about him.

The first thing Schlatt noticed were his eyes. Chocolate brown in hue and shining with concern. The man adorned a white shirt with a black over coat and dark jeans. His brunette hair was full and fluffy, and a tad bit long. When he spoke, Schlatt immediately recognized his accent was British.

"Hey, what's your name?"

Schlatt rubbed his eyes and winced.

"J-... Schlatt. call me Schlatt."

Schlatt couldn't exactly trust this boy yet, so a last name basis was kept. The boy blinked slowly and replied.

"Well alright then, J Schlatt. My name is Wilbur Soot. Do you mind explaining to me why you're passed out in a ditch in the middle of a forest?"

Schlatt tried to look disgruntled at the nickname, but memories of the night prior flooded his mind. He rubbed his arms uncomfortably and looked to the floor.

"I ran out of resources and got caught up in a horde of mobs, a creeper blast blew me into this ditch"

Wilbur winced.

"That sounds dreadful, do you want me to check you out?"

Schlatt whipped his head up in shock. He had just met this guy and he was already being so forward?!

"For injuries, that is."

Wilbur added when he saw the surprise and confusion on Schlatt's face. Oh, of course.

"R-right... I don't want to be too much of a bother, thanks for the offer though..."

Wilbur frowned.

"Are you sure? My home is close by, it won't take too long! I just want to make sure you're alright."

Schlatt felt himself flush and his eyebrows furrowed. Why was this "Wilbur" being so nice to him? They had only just met and he was acting so buddy buddy with Schlatt, it really was throwing him off.

"Don't worry about it, really. I don't get much action around here anyways haha,"

Wilbur tried to lighten the mood a little, trying to hopefully get Schlatt to come with him. Schlatt pondered, what else did he have to lose anyway? If Wilbur ended up being a serial killer than so be it. Schlatt looked up and met Wilbur's curious gaze.

"Fine, I'll take you up on your offer, Wilbur."

Said boy smiled and beckoned Schlatt over.

"Great! My house is just across the river, follow me!"

Schlatt did exactly that, climbing out of the ditch with a little help from Wilbur and following close behind as the Brit strolled though the forest, which looked a lot more peaceful during the day.

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