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bill got to the cabin.

he was quick to open the door and throw his towel to the ground.

he plopped himself onto his bed.

"why did that feel good...?"

bill got up with a sudden shock.

"bill!" stan yelled.

"oh... uh hi." stan said stopping at his tracks.

"are yuh-you okay?"

"uhm no i'm asking you?"

"i'm fuh-fine."

"you sure?"



"yeah i'm a huh-hundred perfect shuh-sure."

"for real...?"

"oh my guh-gosh... stan, fuh-fine! i liked your kuh-kiss."

stans eyes widened.

"oh uh... that was just for- it was for me to save you i just-

"stan, it's o-okay i know. buh-but i liked it and i have nuh-no idea what to do a-about it."

"so you liked it? as in like... like like?"



"wuh-what do you mean wuh-why?"

"i just- out everyone... you say my kiss was the best."

"not only tuh-that you wuh-were my first kuh-kiss.."

"oh well same."

"and i have nuh-no idea if i'm guh-gay or stansexual."


"stuh-stan sexual, where i uh-only like you."

"so you didn't only like my kiss, you like me?"

stan smiled a little bit.


stans smile was quick to fade.

"how could you like me though..."

"stuh-stan whats not to luh-like? how could i juh-just randomly talk to yuh-you the first day that easily, thuh-thats not like me."

"that's true... but you shouldn't like me."

"why nuh-not? your not guh-gay?"

"i'm not sure... that's not the problem though. it's just i'm not gonna be your type. you know, you think you like me and later realize that you hate me."

"who huh-hurt you...?"

"no one... at all, it's just it's the facts."

"i wuh-wouldn't leave you fuh-for anything. and we have uh-only known each other for about suh-six hours but i... i like yuh-you."



"bill i don't know what to say..."

"your not guh-gay... i'm not guh-gay either. it's okay because wuh-were figuring ourselves out."

"yeah, yeah just figuring things out."

"uhm.. wuh-would you like to... truh-try it again?"

bill said getting closer to him.

"what do you mean?"

"try the kuh-kiss again?"

stan gulped.


bill grabbed stans face softly and kissed him lightly.

"ok but-

bill kept going, like he was shutting stan up.

this time he went harder.

stan didn't stop, he didn't want to.

but soon after bill pulled apart.

"how duh-did that feel?"

"i... i liked it."


"well what do we do?"

"i don't know."

"should we go talk to richie? we know he's gay."

"yeah but... that's weird. we should just figure this out ourselves like we said."


stan moved back.

"so, i guess we will just chill here till dinner."

"yuh-yeah, while we're huh-here we can talk muh-more about us."

"okay... so what's your favorite color?"

"muh-mine is red. yuh-you?"

"blue, and what do you like to do. you know for fun?"

"i luh-like to write, suh-sometimes."

"that's cool, like what?"

"i duh-don't know... stories."

"you have any?"

"yuh-yeah i wrote about thuh-these two kids going on an adventure."

"can i read it?"

"i muh-mean if your ruh-really interested."

"i am!"


bill grabbed his backpack.

he pulled out a notebook

the notebook had the name bill denbrough on it.


he handed it to stan.

stan opened up the first page.

"you know what, i'll read this in the night."


stan put it on his bed.

"suh-so what duh-do you like to do?"

"oh... well uhm i like birds. there really cool, i'm sorry if i sound so lame-

"no you duh-don't! tuh-tell me muh-more."

stan smiled a little.

knowing that bill didn't make fun of him for this.

and that he didn't make fun of bill.

"i have have a book if you wanna read it... i'm sorry, there's notes around it. i write to myself at times."

"your fuh-fine."

"what time is it?"

"it's 7:34."

"uh.. we have to get going at 8 for dinner.

"oh ruh-right forgot about that. wuh-we should get going?"

"whatever you want."

bill got up.

"uhm i'm guh-gonna go to ruh-richies cabin."

"can i come?"

"of course, cuh-come on."

"okay, let's go."

stan and bill walked off to richies.

hey guys i'm sorry i got my phone taken away but now i got it back. this was gonna be a good book but it turned out bad i'm sorry about that too :(

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