1. Just another usual morning

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2rd person POV:

You were sitting in the kitchen and eating your breakfast. It was (your favourite flavour of cereals) and you tried not to fall asleep.

''Mornin' little", a tall and muscular man greeted. He was wearing ripped off jeans and a undershirt, so you could see the tattoos on this arms and shoulders and also a few hickeys. The usual cloths only the jacket was missing.

You signed. "Little?", you asked raising a eyebrow.

The man chuckled, "isn't a dad allowed to call their kid that?"

"it sounds like I'm short" you replied monotonous. ((if you like it or not, I'll give hight >=D))

"But your are short~", he teased.

"Only compared with you. I'm at least as tall as Kuro (2p Japan)" you mentioned while you took another spoonful of cereals, "Even taller probably. The last time I checked was a year ago! So shut your fucking mouth."

"ooofff-", he turned away from you and made coffee. After an awkward minute of silence Allen (2p America) smirked and said, "well Kuro may be little but his hole not."
You thought about how to reply to that. Just what??? You grabbed the box of cereals and threw it at him but he managed to catch it. But only just.

"Fuck, that was close", he laughed. At that time a thin and pale man entered the kitchen, Allen looked at him and put the box he was holding aside.

"Finally awake, sleeping beauty?", the taller one grinned toward the shorter.

"Shut up, you bastard, and hand over me the coffee" hissed Kuro who was only wearing shorts and Allen's jacket so you were able to see the hickey all over his neck.

You rolled your eyes while still eating the cereals.

"What's up with, you icebergs, telling me to shut up?!" the tanned looked offended.

"Won't you comfort your grown-ass baby?", you asked not looking up from your breakfast. Kuro shuck his head.

"Let the baby cry, it has to know that the world is cruel", said Kuro standing next to the sitting you and drunk from his coffee.

Allen groaned, "seriously, doll face?" The other man nodded without changing his expression.

"Whatever", you said and stood up, because you had finished with your breakfast.

In your room you dressed up for school. You wore a (choose the colour) coloured tshirt with the logo of (your favourite anime/manga/film/book), jeans and a jacket (choose the colour). The school bag you already had filled with the books for today and it was laying next to your table, so you only had pull it over you shoulder.

As you walked to the front door you spoke with a loud voice to the kitchen where Kuro and Allen were sitting, chatting and having their breakfast: "Can you don't fuck whenever I'm home or at least trying to sleep!?" And left the house.

Allen looked at the man in front of him and made fun of him: "you always have to be loud, huh?"

"Says the one who whines like the baby they're whenever I top", replied Koru monotonous.


The bus came but you decided to walk, since you didn't really like being surrounded by people and the bus was crowded, as always. It took only 15 minutes to school and if you were going to take the bus you would have to wait 20 minutes for school to start and that was also not fun.

As you arrived at school, you saw how a few other hurried to their class, even though the school started in 10 minutes. Oh, there you saw Victor (2p Russia) and his older sister Katia(2p Ukraine) but where was Natasha (2p Belarus)? She was there talking with Luise (2p Liechtenstein) in front of the lockers. The angel and the demon, how some students describe that duo. You were distracted by the two girls with the completely different ideals, since Luise almost hated the cheerful und kind housewife type of girls and Natasha always tries to avoid tough and tomboyish type of girls because she wanted to stay out of trouble. What should you think about it?

You couldn't because while you were you bumped against someone and fell on the ground. As you looked up you saw a boy around your age and frightened because of what he did. He had long silvery white hair tied back, pale skin but you couldn't say if it's his real skin colour or if it's because he is shocked right now, you hoped to find it out later, and red eyes.
That boy didn't know what to say he just made panicking hand movements, at least how you understood the situation.

"oh my. (Y/n), what are you doing on the floor?", a voice asked you which belonged, as you knew, Flavio (2p Romano) your friend and classmate, the boy who always complains about your bad taste at fashion and the one who always asks you whether you have done your homework. Fuck. You forgot about your math homework.

You made yourself cozy on the dirty, hard and cold floor. "don't you see it?", you replied quite serious, "I'm chilling." You couldn't help but answer the dumb question with a dumb answer.

"No caro, I mean why are you on the floor?" he asked again.

You glanced as a response at the unknown boy who was just standing there not knowing what to do.

"Oh voi piccolo goffo", he giggled and looked at the other boy," you bumbed against her, mio caro Klaus?"
So Klaus was his name.

The boy nodded shyly and made weird hand movement.

"who's that? The new boy?", you asked, you knew that you would get a new classmate but that boy just looked to pure for this hell.

"sì, this is Klaus, he is mute so please don't ask him anything that he can't answer with shaking his head or nodding.", Flavio explained.

"eehh. Okay?", you just said while your eyes where at Klaus, looks like that pale colour is his real skin colour.

"And I got the task to show him around the school, because of my knowledge of the sign language." he kept on talking.

"Wtf you know sign language?", you were puzzled, like you would have never ever had even a single clue that he could have known the sign language.

"don't be so mean, (Y/n), of course I know the sign language, I once had a deaf friend so a had to learn it.", he said with a dramatic offended tone.

You rolled your eyes. "Whatever" you stood up and went your way to the math class. "I'll go then" you said as a see you later.

"Who was that?", Klaus asked in sign language the blond boy.

"That?", Flavio said, "That's our (Y/n), the most normal person in the entire school." He laughed at the end of the sentence a bit. "But well, it's true."


The room was empty. No one has arrived yet. Well, only students the teacher was there. You saw James (2p Canada), your uncle, sitting at the teachers place. Ah, that's right you have a new math teacher.
"What are you doing here, James?" you just asked as you put your bag on your table grinning a bit.

"Seriously?" he said putting a book that he was reading away. "What's the matter?" Crossing his arms while sitting at teacher's desk.

You put out the math book and notes. "Since you we have a new teacher, the homework from the previous teacher, do we still have to do that homework?" you questioned. And James sighed.

"You mean, you haven't done your homework?" he glanced at you. You looked at his back as if you were doing a gaze competition. He then stood up. "Only this one time", he said at the end.

The luck was an your side. You were really happy about that. Well, this will be an exciting start.


Well this was around 1300 words.... Lmao what am I doing with my life

See ya!
-MissHolly, 5th March 2020

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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