'' you're mine now ''

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Jisoo P.O.V

"aish!" I say as i bang my hand on the alarm. "so damn loud" I mumble to myself, annoyed.
I get up and get my uniform to go to school, brush my hair, teeth wash my face and go downstairs, where I'm greeted by my dad and my sister.
- I made you food sweety;
my dad said as he put the plate of pancakes in front of me.
- thanks dad;
I begin eating my food but then I look at my sister, who seems sad.
- what's wrong Cindy?
I ask her as she looks up from her plate.
- sis, I miss mom...
dad is speechless, he probably misses her just as much as Cindy and I do.
- don't worry, she's in a better place now Cindy.
- she wants us to he happy and to continue living great perfect lives, even if it's without her. it's gonna be hard, but we must fight, just like your mother did;
my dad said as he gave both of us a warm smile.
- well well, get going girls, I don't want you both to be late to school on the first day.
- okay dad;
Cindy said as she got her bag and waited for me to do the same.
I got my bag and waved bye to my dad while heading out of the door with my sister.
we get to school, which is when we usually part ways.

[a/n:I'll put names on who's speaking since I feel like y'all might get confused]

Cindy: bye sis!

I waved at her as I watched her disappear in the huge crowd of kids her age. i let out a huge sigh before being attacked by someone.


she said as she gave me a huge bear hug from behind.


Lisa laughed and looked at me with a smile.

Lisa: you look good today gurll.

- that means I look good everyday because I have the same uniform and hairstyle all the time.

Lisa: I take that back then.

- screw you.

Rosé: GUYS!!!!!

Lisa: here she comes


- didn't we meet 2 days ago?

Rosé: shh! dont ruin the moment!

Lisa: you're not in some Kdrama, snap out of it. it's the first day of hell.

Rosé: or is it?

- what do you mean?

Rosé: don't you know about it?

Lisa: if she didn't know about it why the fuck would she ask about it?

Lisa said as she smacked Rosé's back;

Rosé: okay so 7 hot ass boys are transferring.


- gosh, you guys are such virgins.

Rosé: you're also a virgin so shut your pie hole!

- I'm a virgin because I never lose.

Lisa: or because you say shit like that.

- you suck

Rosé: anyway, where's Jennie?

Lisa: she said she was already inside.

Rosé: sheesh, couldn't she wait for us or is she on her period?

- both maybe..?

Lisa: well then let's go inside and find her.

we go inside the school and try to find Jennie. we text her, no reply. we call her, no reply.

Lisa: Rosé what on earth are you doing?

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