CHAPTER 9:Ms.President and Mr.Vice President

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"nomination for the student council is now open"

ngayon na pala ang araw ng botohan.

"i nominate Justin for the President."

Justin?well..not bad.

"another? the position for the President is still open."-sir.

"i nominate Alviss for the president :D"

sabi ni Zero na kambal din sa kalokohan ni Alviss =_____=

Alviss for the president??


good =_______=

"Zero!!ungas ka talaga xD !!."-Alviss.

"by the way.."-sya ulit then he raised his hand.

"I nominate CC fontavana for the president ^___^"-sya.



"HEY!!"-ako na napatayo pa.

"yes.....?? ^___^"-sya.

"what are you doing?!!"-ako.

"nominating you.... ('_____')"-sabi nya ng may pag ka inosente pa!di naman bagay!!

"stupid bastard +____+ !!! I OBJECT!!"-ako.bwiset na to!!

"wait CC!!hayaan mo na..try lang natin pls *insert:puppy eyes* ^_____^"-Rin.

"Rin.... =_____=..."-ako.

"pls....*puppy eyes*"-Rin.

"haisstt...!!"-ako.oo na!!suko na ko ! pasalamat ka muntik ka na mawala!!bwiset!

"so what's your decision,CC?"-sir.

"*sigh* go on sir."-sabi ko sabay upo.

"nomination is now closed."-sir.

maya maya lumabas na yung resulta..



My Crazy Little MonsterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon